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Journeyman III

My PC cant handle games anymore. Need advise for upgrades during corona period

I'm a student and a big fan of gaming and streaming. I bought a pc back in 2012/2013 and it has served me very well untill now. When i start up a game, doenst really matter what game, my PC just cant handle it. On the lowest settings I get max 40/50 fps, with huge dips and games keep crashing on me. Im trying to play with my friends, but every time they have to wait for me to load in after a crash or leave because something went wrong with my game. I'm getting really sick of it so I'm looking to get an upgrade, especially now with all the corona stuff thats going on so I cant do really more that sit behind my PC all day...

my current specs are:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470 CPU
@ 3.20GHz 4 Cores

Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics

8192 MB
GDDR5 2000 MHz

8 GB

I'm not really familiar with all the PC stuff so I hope these are all the important things. the RX 470 is kind of new, got it like 2 or 3 years ago. Only thing that was ever upgraded.

Because I dont have a job at the moment because of corona the upgrade cant be to expensive (so please no 4.500 euro/dollar PCs). If someone could give me some advise on a budget upgrade and maybe a more expensive second option (for if corona suddenly ends for some reason and i can go back to work again) that would be really amazing!

I dont really have a budget, because i have no idea what a good gaming pc would cost.

I hope someone can help me with this

2 Replies

This recent Tom's Hardware gives you good advice on what to look for in hardware concerning gaming plus it mentions some very good OEM Gaminig PC that are less then $1,000.00: Best Gaming PCs 2020 - Our Favorite Pre-built Desktops | Tom's Hardware 

You can also go to PCPARTPICKER and choose the hardware you want. It will show you all compatible hardware for the motherboard or other hardware you choose including CPUs:   Many Users have used this website to build their custom built PC's in the past.

My advice is to google "Best" motherboards for gaming, GPU's for gaming, PSU and RAM MEMORY for gaming, etc. With that you should get enough information to decide what hardware you need to build your own gaming PC within your budget.

Once you choose the hardware you want, check out Reviews on them and also read Customer's Poor ratings (one or two stars) on Retail websites like Amazon or Newegg etc before buying.

Looking at your box, cheapest solution is to upgrade the memory to 16GB which will give your rig some room to breath

More modernization will call for a forklift job to get a new CPU, RAM, motherboard and maybe a new PSU