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Adept I

mouse lag on new Ryzen build

Hello everyone,

CPU: RYZEN 1700;







BIOS: Version 3402;

Since the buy, i feel some negative acceleration on my mouse, it doesn't feel smooth as it seems. I don't know how to describe it but it feels like it has some kind of lag, not like lag when i move the mouse and the mouse doesn't move but it is some kind of it. I am not tripping, i am long time FPS player and i know how it should work.Example: open chrome or some folder and try to flick open link or sub folder or just to select it, it is not possible on my side, Like it is sliding on ICE.

The steps i tried to fix the problem :

1.Enhaced option is unticked in mouse settings.(tried to tick it worse).

2.Disabled Fast Startup(didn't help)

3.Tried with and without overclocking(CPU,RAM)=the same;

4.In mouse settings is 6 sensitivity, also i use rival 300.

5.Tried different mouses, the same.

6.Disabled DVR=not fixed.

7.Disabled Cortana=no imrpovement.

8.Disabled AV=same...

9.Formated the PC 11 times, the same with no luck.

10.Changed USB ports, different movement but not accurate as it should be.

11.Latest drivers for NVIDIA, the audio is from the Manufacturer website because the generics ones were crap,the AsMedia usb PORT drivers, i tried from Asus website also from Microsoft, it
doesn't fix the problem.

12.I use latest amd chipset drivers, also i tried the previous ones..... NO luck.

13.I am going to see on my laptop now how it performs, if on my laptop is good, i will have to determine if it is the hardware problem or chipset driver problems.

I am getting so mad here with this situation, and i would like some help..
The PC is 1 month old, and never had other issues, except with the bad(precise lock) movement....

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I installed win 10 FCU on my laptop too, it has the same problems but in better light, its more accurate... :]

6 Replies
Journeyman III

The problem of my computer is same as you. I get ryzen 1700 on Mar2017. Mainboard ASROCK AB350. ADATA  DDR4 2400. sapphireRX470D.Though noticed the mouse problem very early I try not to mind it for use it two days each week .But when someday when system became very slowly I re-install WIN10 64 and even did not update latest windows update, the mouse problem happens frequently. Finally I give up. I successful install win7 64. I noticed also has the mouse lag problem  though not frequently like in win10, as you describle"it doesn't "feel smooth as it seems." when I read a pdf document it occansionally lag 2 seconds. Today I  find the community seach the title find the problem has been raise already. But did not find a pernanet solution yet.


Nope still I haven't, what about you mate?

Journeyman III

I had exactly the same problem with my Ryzen 2700x build.  Mouse courser lags whether I was on the desktop or in games.  Worst were the Courser lags in the bios.  I also suspected a hardware failure in the beginning.  After I changed my motherboard, graphics card, hard drive, memory and a lot of settings I could not see any improvement.  The mouse stuttered in some minutes intervals so strongly that one could enjoy no more game!  New installations of Windows 10 did not bring any improvement.  All USB ports tested, all drivers of GPU, mouse, chipset installed, different BIOS updates, power management, and and and and and and and and and and....

USB 3.0 Splitter with external power supply.

As last instance I plugged my USB multiple connector into my USB 3.1 port on the back of the mainboard. btw. Tested different mice... That's where the mouse is connected now.  The

I had exactly the same problem with my Ryzen 2700x build.  Mouse courser lags whether I was on the desktop or in games.  Worst were the Courser lags in the bios.  I also suspected a hardware failure in the beginning.  After I changed my motherboard, graphics card, hard drive, memory and a lot of settings I could not see any improvement.  The mouse stuttered in some minutes intervals so strongly that one could enjoy no more game!  New installations of Windows 10 did not bring any improvement.  All USB ports tested, all drivers of GPU, mouse, chipset installed, different BIOS updates, power management, switched different mice, and and and and and and and and and and....

USB 3.0 Splitter with external power supply.

As last instance I plugged my USB multiple connector into my USB 3.1 port on the back of the mainboard.  That's where the mouse is connected now.  The Courser Lags are gone.  Please, I don't know why but I can finally play normally and without lags.  Does anyone else know?  Hope it can help those who are still looking for solutions as much as i did! I know this is a weird fix, but it worked for me..

RAM: Corsair CMK16GX4M2B3200C16 Vengeance LPX 16 GB

PSU: BE QUIET 600 Watt Pure Power 11 CM 600W BN298

GPU: Asus Strix 1080ti Oc

SSD: Crucial P1 500GB

and Samsung EVO 860 SATA 1TB

CPU: Ryzen 2700x 

Mortherboard: Asus Crosshairs x470 vii Hero


Hey man, I tested every component, and nothing fixed it. Can you explain further what splitter, how it looks and how it works? Also provide links to buy one. Or dm me the link. I would appreciate it a lot and thanks buddy

Journeyman III

Hey Dr.Dyzen,

I came across this page while searching for my problem. None of the other solutions to the problem have been of any use to me. When I saw that you and some people had the same problem I wanted to post my solution here. I was about to throw my computer out of the window, so frustrated I was! Here is the link to the USB dongle I use with my PC:

A different one may also work but the external power could be something that provides stability?? I really don’t know guys.

I ordered a new mouse with cable today and will test if it works without the adapter. I will keep you up to date!

Cheers Kevin

Journeyman III

Hey Dr. Dyzen,
I tested 2 different wireless mice with my system before - both with the same resault - mouse stuttering. Now I am using a mouse with cable, Steel series, Sensai Ten.
Sadly I had to go trough all that problems. Why it worked with the USB multiple plug was because my receiver was very close to the mouse. Apparently my two older cordless mouse models don't have a very long range. It's embarrassing, I even swapped my motherboard, SSD and graphics card because I suspected the hardware was faulty.
In the end the cable mouse fixed it for me, the lags are gone. 
Hope you can fix your problem too.