After a spat of questionable decisions recently by Microsoft regarding its Edge browser, Microsoft has finally done something we can all agree is the right thing to do: it’s reversing the changes it made to the default browser settings in Windows 11 to make the process easier instead of more difficult. Imagine that.
In a new test build of Windows 11, users can now change their default browser, along with all associated file extensions, with a single click. The change in OS options was flagged by Rafael Rivera, and spotted by The Verge. Previously Microsoft allowed you to switch browsers the very first time you fired up Chrome, Firefox, or some other competitor with a prompt asking you if you were sure you wanted to do what you were doing, but if you didn’t click “always use this app” it wouldn’t change all the various file types to your new browser. This required you to manually change the associated browser for each extension, such as .HTML, .HTTP, etc. Microsoft defended this ridiculous situation by claiming its users wanted “granular control” over browser settings.
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