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Microsoft Pulls Update Slowing Windows 10 PCs, Fall Update Coming Soon

I’ve updated several Windows 10 PCs to Chromium Edge, including testbeds, and I haven’t run across any issues doing so — but that doesn’t mean folks haven’t been having problems. Update KB4559309 apparently caused performance slowdowns for a number of people. That’s particularly relevant because KB4559309 can’t be uninstalled in the normal way.

Microsoft has released a new update to resolve the boot time issues introduced with its previous update, KB457675. KB457675 replaces KB4541301, KB4541302, and KB4559309, and we haven’t seen any reports of problems following swapping out to the newer version. The specific problem people have been reporting relates to machine boot-up speed, so if you’ve noticed a decrease in how quickly your machine restarts, this may be the cause.

Microsoft is prepping an update to Windows for October this year, after pushing back the spring update due to COVID-19. Updates expected for the (presumably named) 2010 update are small; Microsoft has moved to a model in which large updates arrive at the beginning of the year, while smaller updates are shunted towards the rear.

This time around, we know users should expect a tweaked start menu with semi-transparent backgrounds and new icons for built-in applications. Devices with detachable screens will now automatically switch to tablet mode when you remove the keyboard. The Your Phone app is being updated and will support a larger variety of Samsung products. You’ll also have the option to alt-tab through Edge. Finally, as previously reported, the “System” page is moving out of Control Panel and into Settings.

This type of shift has a lot of IT devs concerned, with good reason. Settings often doesn’t offer the same options as Control Panel, and not all advanced functions are available from within that applet. It’s not that people have a love affair with the Control Panel, as such, but we do need the replacement to actually provide the full functionality of the original.

As for reports of the update causing problems, we haven’t heard of any yet. That doesn’t mean it won’t — Microsoft’s bi-annual updates always cause a few problems for somebody — but the smaller updates should theoretically cause fewer issues on the whole. Microsoft will probably have an update for the Xbox Live app, at least, to coincide with the actual launch of the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.

Microsoft Pulls Update Slowing Windows 10 PCs, Fall Update Coming Soon - ExtremeTech 

1 Reply

I also have not seen performance issues in my shop.

I use a clean install of windows which is not universal evidently.

Reset Windows has been a useful feature when benchmarking