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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Luces Led de la CPU


Tengo una "CPU AMD Ryzen 5 3400G with Radeon Vega Graphics 4 Cores" y de un momento a otro dejo de encender las luces led de los ventiladores y todas las de las CPU que permanecen encendidas predeterminadamente, saben a que se debe y como puedo solucionar esto.

Mucahs Gracias por su ayuda

1 Reply

My browser's automatic Translation gave me a very poor translation but luckily I am able to read basic Spanish and generally understand what you are asking.

Are you talking about the CPU Cooler's LED Lights working intermittantly or not at all?

The Ryzen 3400g comes bundled with a Non-LED Wraith Spire.

So you must be using a different CPU Cooler.

Can you please give me your computer specs or information including Make & Model of your CPU Cooler with LED Lights?

EDIT: Please translate your next reply into English since this is an English Only Forum. Thanks.