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General Discussions

Journeyman III

low FPS in most titles

Hello I got a ryzen 5 3600 x570 MSI gaming edge WiFi mobo 32 gigs of ram XFX 6700 10 gig card and i am getting extremely poor performance in most titles and I cannot figure it out could it be bottleneck from CPU? I have uninstalling old drivers installing the most up to date also rolling back I also experience low GPU utilization in some titles 



2 Replies
Volunteer Moderator

Have you installed a fresh version of Windows?  Is this a new build or did you just pop in the new CPU?

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".

I built this pc about 3 years ago I upgraded from a rx580 to a 6700 10 gig cpu hasn’t changed since initial build I updated to the most recent driver and arma reforged ran great have checked any other titles yet but there seems to be a issue as I believe this combo should run fairly well at 1080p