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General Discussions

Jon Peddie Research: AMD lost 9% dGPU market share since Q2 2019, 5% since Q1, now at 20% vs nVidia's 80%

That's a bit scary, and even more reliable an indicator than the Steam Hardware Survey, but one thing is clear, AMD needs a miracle with RDNA2...

2 Replies

It doesn't help AMD marketplace when so many Users are having issues with their AMD GPU Cards right out of the box due to either poor AMD Drivers or GPU hardware configured too high in some of the hardware parameters or by buggy vBIOS version by the GPU manufacturers.

Word of Mouth is a very strong indicator whether AMD Market will increase or decrease or stay stagnant. 

As an example, an unhappy AMD User here is unable to get his GPU to work correctly and switches to Nvidia and everything is fine. That User will now go and mention his unhappy dissatisfaction with AMD GPU in other forums or with friends and family and his positive experience with Nvidia.  It is like a slippery slope.  

But I am sure there are more AMD Users with positive experiences than negative ones. But the negative ones are the ones that get the most exposure.

Of course the opposite is true also. Nvidia User can also have a bad experience and switch to AMD and do the same Word of Mouth publicity. But Nvidia has a huge Market share so if they lose a few customers is not that big of a deal for them.


RE:But I am sure there are more AMD Users with positive experiences than negative ones.

I would not bet on that, not if they are RX Vega or RX 5700XT owners.

RX Vega 64 and 56 had long running black screening issues, which seem much improved with current drivers.

Adrenalin 2020 GUI/UI and drivers have been especially bad on Navi and they only seem to work ~ stable since around 20.5.1 driver with hybrid 2019 19.12.1 GUI/UI on the RX5700XT cards I have tested so far. 

Key features have gone from Adrenalin 2020 GUI/UI like FRTC and a useable and useful Game Advisor, proper DX12 multiGPU support, DX11 CrossFire Profiles.
Features AMD presented to their own Investor conf call like Radeon Boost, Chill need lots of work to make them useable. Enhanced Sync is so broken AMD advise to switch it off.
Adrenalin 2020 GUI/UI is horrible ergonmic mess and much of the buttons/menus are broken.

The Automatic Bug Reporting tool is a good addition in theory but except there is no way to opt out of sending AMD data trawl with the report.
The WEB based reporting is gone.
So there will be no more bug reports from me.