Now with Autumn coming, and especially here in the North daylight hours tend to be short and it affects the sleep rhytm. So I'm asking is it possible to implement this feature since I know it can already be adjusted "as is" without the scheduling option...
Myself a night-time worker this would really help in keeping a kinda normal level of bluelight as to not affect sleep as much.
Windows 10 does that, called Night Light.
Ty bud! Although I'm a Windows 7 user myself >.<
I know there's a few 3rd party softwares that do this but really I was hoping to find a way to nudge the developers to implement this (so to avoid unnecessary bloating of 3rd party software in PC) any idea where they might be best reached?
Win 7 hits EOL Jan.2020, doubt any resources will be implementing new features...probably only necessary updates.
AMD is having enough problems just getting cards to work with limited developer resources, so like goodplay said they will not implement any new Windows 7 specific features for an OS whose support will be terminated in 162 days, and personally I'm surprised they are even supporting the RX 5000 series on Windows 7. There are numerous blue light filter programs for Windows 7 and 8, such as F.Lux and Iris.