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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Instant Replay doesn't record my voice

Hi everyone,

I'm using Instant Replay to capture funny moments etc from Warzone.

The problem is that it doesn't record my own voice, but it does from my friends on Discord and people in death comms.

My sound settings are set correctly.

I hope anyone has a solution.

2 Replies
Not applicable

in adrenaline overlay there is "RECORD DESKTOP" option, to say screenshot youtube maybe so you could circle it and doodle on it like see that right there? at the top it may let you record MORE things that you couldnt if you couldnt before.

Also theres a record microphone option down there.. and audio bitrate and things. but i dont know if you're buffering with instant replay in your drive as you game then clicking like CTRL SHIFT S to save an instant replay for the duration of seconds you specified.. if its not saving the mic audio together with the video the record mic option SHOULD fix it but if it doesnt you'd need to adjust your mic settings to one of those umm recording shared track 'mixer' or something options from sound and recording settings in windows OS. i forgot what its called but often in microphones and recording menu on windows under the mic theres this option lets your mic and output both be capturable on the same output channel. or use like a plugin to map the input to the output audio channel.

Adept I

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