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General Discussions

Journeyman III

High Graphic card usage after 15 min of gaming and drop frame to 12 fps

hello i have an issue while playing some games

my gpu is rx 6650 xt 

and my cpu is r5 5600 

while i am playing some games like rust or even any game that not require a good pc 

after 15 mins or something it start dropping fps to 12 and my gpu usage going full to 99% 

any fixes? 

my drivers are all updated

i tried new windows

i tried to reinstall the game

i tried to delete drivers and download it again

turned off auto clock for both gpu and cpu 

turned on auto clock

turned off xmp

turned on xmp 

also i got 32 gb ram 3200 

any fixes?

2 Replies
Volunteer Moderator

Check the temperatures of your GPU and CPU.  One or both could be getting too hot and thus automatically throttling the clock rate to lower temperatures.  If you are getting above 75 C, then I suspect this is the issue.  As for a solution, improving airflow within your case is a start.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".
Adept I

The RX6650 XT is now quite an old card so the thermal paste might need to be renewed.

Do that if it has not be done since you used that card.

I think that will solve your problem.