hardware unboxed on youtube testing horizon zero dawn all cards how does a rx570 an rx580 and rx590 and a vega 56 beat a vega 64 in benchmarks of this game ? very disappointed a rx570 beat vega in this game. i bought a sapphire nitro+ vega 64 spring 2019 new 400+ and one year later because of drivers a 150 $$ card beats it in Horizon Zero Dawn only been 14 months . anyone thinking of buying a new AMD card needs to think drivers...........
The same way a Fury-X is beaten by a RX 580, focus on drivers and optimization of Polaris means previous architectures were abandoned.
black_zion wrote:
The same way a Fury-X is beaten by a RX 580, focus on drivers and optimization of Polaris means previous architectures were abandoned.
R9 Fury should be more powerful but AMD never did fine tune the driver for it. The card was a real disappointment because AMD does not have enough developers to handle the cards in the market.
Anything with Vega in the name is an evolutionary dead end, best left alone but not forgotten as a lesson.
Sadly not, that thing has more lives than Polaris. They're even going to be using it in the Ryzen 5000 series...
I am running zero dawn maxed out with a 5700XT at 2k 144z with no issues what so ever if that helps...in all honesty the 5700XT card is mind blowing awesome for the price. It made me not give a car about the 2080TI....
If you're going to lie, at least make it realistic. Horizon Zero Dawn can't do 144fps with a 5700XT, or even a 2080Ti, at 1920x1080, much less 144 at "2K", with max details, because it's a very horrid port that's already had to have two stability patches.
ok cool cuz I fire up the game and set it at 2k 144hz and pretty much every
setting is maxed....So....yeah maybe if your gonna call someone out know
wtf you are talking about?
btw https://imgur.com/a/CBXc7rc
You do realize the chart above shows your card faster than what you are getting.
They were baulking about you insinuation that your card is faster than a 2080ti which is ridiculous.
Plus you are not running Ultra. Ultra is all Ultra settings not some settings. Yes it makes a big difference as it translates to frames.
Regardless your comments are off the topic anyway.
The thread is comparing Vega to Polaris. The Vega should be much faster yet is not.
Cool the ONLY thing off is motion blur simply because I do not like the way
it looks....
So you're getting 63fps on non custom detail levels, and think your 144hz monitor means anything? Oh, and V-Sync is on, which is doing nothing since your frame rate is so low compared to your refresh rate. Now if you were using Freesync...Then your 144hz monitor still means jack because you're not getting 144fps!