Hi, try going to your windows file explorer WIN KEY +E browse to USERS > your username folder and go to FOLDER OPTIONS and SHOW HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDERS in the VIEW tab and apply to folders. Now in that USERNAME FOLDER in the USERS DIRECTORY a folder called APPDATA should appear and a folder called ROAMING. Set it all to read only and hidden and consider deleting whatevers there, it wont let you delete the microsoft folder though maybe. You might see your screen change. Also try changing your computer name/workgroup randomly once in a while.. any changes? better? go to your windows > system32 > drivers > ETC directory and delete the files in there maybe delete the entire ETC directory.
make certain you've uninstalled onedrive and quick assist. If you have windows home or windows professional these group policies shouldnt be being forced onto your system crippling disabling and limiting it. Theres also places in windows registry like Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\GameConfigStore maybe delete that folder and uhh
delete that often.
Go to the directx feature levels folder.. see your computers OS windows is supposed to look like a window. but dumb gay **bleep** retard criminals disabled that switched it off. you can try turn a tiny bit back up.. but if you change version numbers or quality it stops working because of their fake dumb gay **bleep** criminal retard software being fake many games and apps will look for specific values or version numbers and wont work at all if its higher or better or uhh not the fake ones.
theres a little arrow next to this, you can branch it out and DELETE the directories off this one. If you delete this one it runs 'fine' but for highest quality your stuck with their fake slow it down **bleep**ty false settings and cranking up their fake **bleep** where they fake the FPS accordingly and version numbers and stuff. Otherwise some games or apps maybe not work. So just delete whatever KEY's/directories branching out from the arrow expanding the folders in the registry FROM the directx folder, then raise the quality of the min and max feature levels by filling it up with some FF stuff EACH REBOOT. I also like to make a stays there forever new registry key expandable string and fill it with FF's and call it like enhancedultraextreme or whatever.
consider disabling drive indexing and page files. Set no page file.. disable hibernate too. in the registry theres a place called session manager which super **bleep**s your computer into a slow piece of garbage. you can get MASSIVE performance gains by deleting select things in there, or going to ENVIRONMENT and editing like processor family from 5000 put a 7 or a 9? but a huge number of them seem to require a reset/reinstall for some reason or other wont boot. But some ones you might be able to test out if you know what you are doing are related to pool size and page files and swap and all the sub folders in session manager are kinda bad and need to be gotten rid of somehow but sorta cant be so maybe theres more optimal values or settings for them. I just dont know what those are and am too frustrated to have to do it to EVERYTHING in registry to test all the things that are OBVIOUS red flags capping stuff that supposed to 'just work' at max quality to turds.
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
next in graphics drivers delete the block list
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
then go through all the sub folders in graphics drivers and find all the monitors listed.. say you own the ONE samsung monitor or display.. there might be 3 listed and some MSI ones.. DELETE THEM ALL let windows readd your samsung monitor on reboot or whatever.. im too lazy to list all the things wrong.. but u know .. its just super pissing me off that antivirus companies PUT VIRUSES in and tell you "oh we dont fix computers or catch or arrest any hackers or criminals, even if you point to whats wrong we ignore you.. we just take your money and tell you to reinstall again after you just finished reinstalling and asked them to SECURE your NEW INSTALL for you and offered to pay us dumb **bleep**s even more money but we're so impossibly dumb and gay criminal retard **bleep**s that youre better off giving your money to fake crypto currency criminals coz at least those dumb gay **bleep**s will pretend crypto currency is worth money and steal credit card info they DECRYPTED from your own PC or wifi network and inflate their fake stock exchange listing as it has no uhh physical equity assets/oil/food/water/gold. Then they throw their sisters at you pretending theyre darknet sex workers that only take crypto currency for uhh secrecy.. then his sister gets some pretend monopoly money video game currency she cant spend on anything as its not legal tender.. and he takes your REAL moneys for the video game money because you dumb **bleep**s willingly hand it to him and you did his sister for free. But antivirus companies only perv on your computer and slow it down like woah bit too quick there sonny people will notice how fake our fake hardware is.
well im guessing you'll uhh eventually figure it out.. yeah. i .. still havent.
What’s this for?
using a computer requires it not be screwed over and faked.. disabled crippled.
Your computers in a wheel chair. So you gotta find the errors i found and deleted and .. well delete them yourself EACH TIME THE COMPUTER RESTARTS