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General Discussions

Adept I

Graphics card messing with mouse pointer

About two months ago I updated my graphics driver and noticed that my mouse would lose its dark border outline sporadically, which basically rendered it invisible. This issue mostly shows is face when I remote into work and run VDI in fullscreen, because it is no longer sporadic but constant. I know it issue is only on my end because when I share my screen my coworkers see everything just fine. Also weirdly enough, if I remote into another computer while on my VDI, the mouse appears just normal.

I tried rolling back my graphics drivers which seemed to fix the issue for a bit, but then everything started happening again. I am using AMD Radeon RX 5500 and my primary desktop is Windows 11. The VDI computer is running Windows 10, and the servers I remote into from there are a mostly Windows 8. I also checked if any other drivers needed updates, uninstalled and reinstalled the mouse driver, went from two screens to one screen (also switched which screen I would use during single screen), switched wireless mouses, and even tested a wired mouse. The only thing that permanently was deleting my graphics driver and just using the onboard one, which I do not want to do.

Hoping someone here knows anything about this and has some information.

10 Replies
Adept I


Journeyman III

Having the exact same issue.

I tried a rollback, it worked for a while but now the issue has reoccured.

Specifically I have the problem when remoting into a virtual desktop.


In 40 years of computer building, this one is new to me.

Do you suppose it might have something to do with the 3 versions of Windows? Perhaps try installing the Windows 8 mouse drivers and perhaps even your Radeon RX 5500 for Windows 8, and see if the problem disappears. Just a suggestion that I would try. It seems like it is more of a Windows problem than anything.

If it ain't broke; don't fix it!
Journeyman III

Solution from another thread (that worked for me with latest Adrenalin):

create the following reg key and reboot.


This disables multi plane overlay.


Hey I've never created a new regkey before, any chance you can send me a screenshot of what its supposed to look like?


figured out how to create it, but it unfortunately did not solve the problem for me


It happened to me with new 22.11.1. I try to go to mouse settings, change the cursor to black, then change again to white. After that it back to normal till now.

I use 6600XT.

MSI B550 Pro-VDH - MSI 6600XT - Ryzen 5600G

Sorry. I am wrong, after try again, the default cursor on my microsoft edge become invisible on address bar.
There is another thread in AMD community talking about this too. It said that it happen on chromium based.

workaround: well, can use the black cursor temporary

MSI B550 Pro-VDH - MSI 6600XT - Ryzen 5600G

This works - if you dont change back to white.
I had problems with microsoft teams, screen sharing and poof - no mouse pointer.

Changed the pointer to black - and now it works 😄


So wont change back to white if that's the problem...

Journeyman III

Hi everyone, I have the same problem and by messing around with Win11.


I managed to fix it without having to change the registry or anything complicated.

I did it in Win11 and I think Win10 is the same.


Open Settings

--> Search for "mouse" in the settings search bar, dont press ENTER
--> select "Mouse pointer style"

--> select the black cursor

--> further down open the "Text cursor" section

--> below where it says "Recommended colors" select black.


And everything should work fine. +)