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Freesync not working below 75hz

when the game keeps 75 fps, the freesync works perfectly, but in the majority of games my rx 570 can't keep 75 fps, so i lock to 60fps, but freesync not will works. Is any alternative for freessync works below 75fps?

9 Replies

So you say lock to 60fps what do you mean. Are you leaving VSync off and are you setting your Free Sync range in Chill? Say your monitor has a range of 46-75. You would set the min in chill to be 47 and max to be 74. Usually one inside the min and max is good. If you are turning on Vsync and it doesn't hit 60 it will half itself to 30 and that is likley below your range and that may be your problem. Also does yout monitor have a driver from the manufacturer, and did you load it and is it still loaded? Windows is know to put the generic PNP driver in after certain updates. If you monitor does not have a driver it may use firmware so make sure that is up-to-date too. 

Hope that helps. Good Luck!

I use Rivaturner to lock 60fps with vsyncOFF, even so i still have tearing in my games. I did not find any driver from the manufacturer.

Monitor range

H: 30 - 85 kHz
V: 56 - 75 Hz


Need to know what monitor you have, but based on the vertical refresh rate shown above (56-75), if that is your freesync range, when you lock to 60 fps, then freesync will only work from 56-60 fps, and anything below 56 fps will potentially show tearing. I don't know if that's the real freesync range of monitor.

There are some pretty dodgy monitors out there that claim freesync while having very small freesync range.

LG 24ML600M-B, is a low cost IPS monitor in my country. Its very hard to find a good model here, the most of them have more marketing then quality, and i think the freesync was not very well implemented in this monitor,  because the softwares, windows and hardware are compatible and are works fine.


You need to find your FreeSync range for your monitor, should be in your manual or specs on your monitor mfg page and set it in chill in Radeon Settings as I explained above. Radeon Settings is not compatible with Riva Tuner. You need to pick one or the other to use, and I don't think Riva Tuner is capable of controlling your FS Range in Chill. AMD does not recommend the use of 3rd party tweakers only Radeon Settings. I would return Riva Tuner to defaults. Then uninstall it. Then run DDU from wagnardsoft_com, following the included instructions. Then re-install the Radeon drivers. Many report that the November and earlier drivers from 2019 work best on Polaris based cards like yours. 

Yup if that is the range and I hope it isn't that would be the smallest range I have seen yet. Let's hope not. 


So i closed the riva and put the Chill in the range (48-75) and changed the frequency in the configuration windows to 75hz. In the game it works at 75-60fps, below 58-56 it doesn't work anymore. it's a little disappointing because in the most recent games my rx 570 can't handle 60+ fps, i'll have to use Vsync in this case. however, thanks for the help!

You are very welcome. Sounds like you maybe do have a monitor that doesn't deserve being called FreeSync. I would see if you can talk to the support department for the monitor. Maybe it is a issue with it that a RMA could fix or maybe they have another model they would work out a trade in for. Never hurts to ask. 


freesync was developed back when everyone was using 60 Hz panels and underpowered video cards. Now 4K comes along and video cards are working hard to play games.