Hello, I returned to RDR2 after 6 months, the game previously ran at a constant 60 fps without any problems. Now this game is unplayable, in Saint Denis/Valentine/Camps I have a constant 60 fps (locked), while in forested areas my fps suddenly drops to 20-25! imgur.com/a/Hq3plWq - Everything is clearly visible here. The settings I have are the same as 6 months ago, i.e. Ultra/High, except for grass, water and reflections, which are on low. I tried changing Vulkan to DX12, reinstalling the game, deleting all settings from documents - nothing helps!
GPU: RX 6400 - max usage 85-95%, max temps 60'C
CPU: I7-7700K - max usage 30-40%, max temps 72'C
I don’t have a drop in framerate, but I have a bit of stutter that I didn’t have a few months ago. But maybe it’s because of a software that I’m using, I have to try to do a clean installation and try again. I'll update you if I can solve or figure out the problem.
I tried to reinstall the game, I also tried to go back to the old 23.7.1 drivers
i tried to reinstall the game
ok, I tried without that software but there is a little bit of stuttering. Nothing excessive but there is. idk, I'll try another test in the next days @dzem
EDIT: I solved. Open adrenaline with Alt + R and use radeon chill, lock the max fps at 60 and voilà not stutter and tearing. I think is rdr2 engine like gta have the same problem
wait, I'll check
not working, still same effect -__-
Strange, for me it solved. Vsync off, triple buffering on, full screen, radeon chill 60 fps
still not working, I only have this on vulkan, on dx12 the forest area does not stutter but on dx12 I have 50% less fps so I want to fix it on vulkan :(((
6400 is a weak card for high on rdr2.what resolution are u playing?
not weak, 1080p