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Journeyman III

Forza 7 crashes when too many players collide.

Honestly I have no idea if this is a Forza issue. Or a windows issue. Or a Xbox/Windows issue. Or a AMD issue.

When the game crashes the event viewer for windows will show a Forza 7 application error,

But will also sometimes show a error for the Xbox Game Bar.

Otherwise, every time forza 7 crashes. AMD Raedon Software also crashes. So much so I have to completely kill it with task manager to open it back up.

Basically If i play multiplayer, where drivers are dity, at the first turn, if more than 5 vehicle collide, the game freezes To close the game I must Alt-Tab, then it will close its self, with no error. While I assume the mic support is through Xbox Game Bar, as its a requirement to have mic enabled. When the game freezes, the VOIP mic support will still work and I can still speak to the active drivers in the race.


I was hoping someone might know of some tips I may be able to try for a fix, as this issue will never happen in single player because the chance of more than 3 cars colliding will never happen, and if it has, the game has never crashed (and i play long races for single player 10+ laps). the game is incredibly stable. 


My build is

16GB 3200

Ryzen 7 2700

Asus Tuf Gaming mobo,

Raedon RX 5500 XT 8GB

1 Reply

Dunno about that exact situation.. but I have found Forza 7 to be a bit random with issues from constantly dropping out and disconnecting from lobby / race about 15 - 30 seconds after start of online race or just not wanting to connect to game lobby’s at all. Had that on and off for a week or so until it seemed to disappear & work again.. Have also had BSOD a few times, but again in the last couple of weeks that seems to have stopped and is working fine again.. And just yesterday for some reason the sound during a race became echoe..’ish’ like it does in the Menu / game lobby. But have loaded it 3 times today playing for about 40mins each time and was fine.

I was actually thinking for awhile there may have been some issue with not having an active or enabled mic a couple months back.. but the online game dropouts & issues disappeared after 1 - 2 weeks of constantly doing it but hasn’t done it at all in the last 2 months and I haven’t change or update anything..

I wonder if it could be something partly due to GamePass & XBox Game Pass mixed possibly with that stupid Teredo protocol they use.. I only also have Horizon 4 installed also with GamePass & it 99% of the time runs fine without issue. Even MSFS 2020 works and runs fine without major issue or dramas.. As with occasional odd WIN 10 moments after every other major update I use to think WTF and reinstall drivers or apps / games.. mid last year I even did a complete format & reinstall only to discover the issue was with the MS update they pushed out causing it.. so formatted again & fresh install minus that update until it finally got resolved.. 

When you see this logo it’s safer to assume there’ll be some ‘issue’ or drama with it.. MSFS convoluted installer that had to have like 3 different app stages of install that may just happen to stop without any hint of a error or reason only to google the issue & find it’s purely a MS store / game centre issue..

MS should have a look at GTA V or most Steam games.. can’t think of any issues with any of their games that I have in the past 12 months..MS should have a look at GTA V or most Steam games.. can’t think of any issues with any of their games that I have in the past 12 months..

Anyway pointless rant over..

Good luck, try doing a reset on it in the Apps & Features menu or possibly reinstall?  But if it’s only Forza 7 & nothing else I assume it’s a MS issue & not my end..