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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Can't Boot With XMP Enabled

So I recently built a new pc, and when I originally built her I had XMP enabled and everything was fine. As of recent, PC will not boot with XMP enabled, I get pushed into the BIOS, have to reset everything to default, and disable XMP and then it boots fine.

PC Specs:

Ryzen 7800x3d

G Skill 32gb DDR5 6400mhz

b650 AOURUS ELITE AX ICE (f20 version, have not updated to f21)

4070 Super



If anyone has any ideas, or a solution please let me know!

1 Reply

  1. Chipset driver updates or BIOS updates could've changed XMP / EXPO stability.
  2. Did you change or adjust your CPU cooler before the issue started? If the CPU cooler is attached too tightly, it can cause RAM stability issues.
  3. Do a CMOS reset.
  4. Remove and reseat your RAM
  5. Verify your RAM kit is on your mobo QVL list.
  6. Verify your RAM is good with MemTest86.
  7. Update to latest chipset drivers from AMD and latest non-beta BIOS.
  8. If you're unable to boot, reduce the RAM speed / frequency after enabling XMP / EXPO until you can boot.