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Journeyman III

can i write down about a guy who lied that he had sponsered from AMD?

Hi, i'm from korea. I don't know that AMD concerned people will see this if i write this down in this community, but i couldn't find how to contact personally so, i will write down here.

There is a guy who just lied that he had been sponsered some of his AMD CPU, it happened at June 18th.

He also lied he had been sponsered by DaeWonCTS(Korea Company), mainboards, so he said he will sell 400$ computer to 200$ by Draw lots.

But someone caught he wasn't sponsered by AMD, DWCTS(DaewonCTS for short) by an e-mail from Ryzen Community Korea(I guess) and DWCTS.

The real problem is he just insisted on his sponsered lying until now, so I caught him, and now he admit it was fake sponser and just going to disappear from Korea community, DCInside Computer Gallery(디씨인사이드 컴퓨터본체갤러리).

What he had done may damage AMD's good image, and I wonder if AMD can accuse him with this happening.

I want to listen about AMD's stand.

He owns ComYirang Company(컴이랑 회사), and he had done illegal things before, I wish AMD can punish him.

I will write down on Korean version, I hope someone who are concerned with AMD who knows Korean could see this.

안녕하세요, 한국인 학생입니다. 다름이 아니라 이전 6월 18일에 AMD와 대원CTS에서 협찬을 받았으며 CPU, 메인보드를 협찬받았다고 하며 40만원짜리 컴퓨터를 20만원에 추첨을 통해 할인해준다고 했던 사람이있습니다.

제가 라이젠 커뮤니티에도 가입되어있지만 이게 과연 AMD 관계자와 연관이 있나 모르겠어 여기에 글을남깁니다.

디씨인사이드 컴퓨터본체갤러리에서 활동하는 고정닉네임 유저 "우월함" 이란 유저는 용산에서 회사 컴이랑 을 운영중입니다.

그가 해온 이 스폰서거짓말은 점점 묻혀갔지만 제가 공론화시켜서 다시 수면위로 드러났고, 그로 인해 자기 잘못을 인정하는 그는 지금 AMD나 대원CTS에 공식적인 사과를 하지 않은채 갤러리(커뮤니티)활동을 중단한다고 글을쓰고 잠적할려하는 상태입니다.

공식적으로 스폰받지 않았음에도 불구하고 공식으로 스폰받았다고 거짓말을 한 이 행위는 엄연히 불법이며, 이 행위로 이득을 볼려했던 그는 AMD회사의 이미지에 손실을 줄수도 있다고 생각합니다.

해당 업자의 처벌에 관련되서 AMD의 입장이 궁금합니다. 

이 커뮤니티에 글을 남긴다고 관련 관계자분께서 볼 수 있을지 없을 지 모르겠지만 볼수있기를 기원하며 이곳 AMD 커뮤니티에 글을 남깁니다.

그가 이 사건을 묻고 도망가 아무도 모르는곳에서 다시 장사를 시작하기전에 그에게 처벌을 물었으면 하는 바램입니다. 긴글 봐주셔서 감사합니다.

Thanks for reading despite of my bad English.

If any question you have, AMD Official, please feel free to contact, please.

AMD관계자분들 이에 대해서 정확히 알고싶으시다면 email address removed으로 메일보내주시면 확인한 후 빠른시일내에 답장해드리려고 노력하겠습니다.

3 Replies

AMD's presence in the Korean Market isn't particularly strong, and your legal system tends to be insular to the point that it's almost pointless for non-nationals to levy cases there. 

I could go quite in-depth with the Corporate Culture / Law, but the short version is; the ONLY way you can see this guy face "Justice" for his behaviour is IF he crosses one of the Big Publishers or Companies that you can report him to. 

South Korea right now is a lot like the United States a Century ago (at least in Business and Legal terms). 

As much as what he's done is potentially damaging to AMD's reputation within the region., unfortunately I doubt there's much they can do about it. (at least successfully)

Instead what my suggestion would be is, what you could do is establish a more legitimate front for AMD.

Such-as lists of Official Endorsed or AMD Centric Business' that people can trust to deal with. 

I do think AMD could really use a group within the Asian Markets (like S.Korea) that are "In their Corner" so to speak, and just helping raise their profile... because as I recall S.Korea is essentially Intel / NVIDIA Territory; with AMD being more of a novelty. 


thanks for your comments, I've read what you wrote down!

Um, yes I admit Korea is in Intel, NVIDIA territory, but I just wrote because if there is any way to mention about this problem.

I think I should go and find more about AMD Korea, or a website, community we can deal with.

Thanks for your advice!


I tried and found out that South Korea as a Consumer Protection government agency. I would suggest you file a Consumer Complaint against that company or person from here: main | Korea Consumer Agency  This is the Official S.Korean Government Agency dealing with Consumer problems.

Here is another South Korean Semi-Governmental Agency concerning Consumers: Directory | Korea Consumer Protection Board (KCPB)