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AMD up $41M Y/Y, misses EPS estimates, stock crashes 24%

Gotta love the stock market, where if you don't make enough money, you get hammered. Does make me smile though, nVIdia lost almost $25 today, AMD only lost $7.50. Still, was very nice to see Lisa Su blame the shortfall on GPU sales on the cryptocurrency crash, instead of the real reason: they haven't done anything to boost their position against their nVidia counterparts to increase sales, especially the high margin Vega cards. One of these days AMD is going to figure out a "games bundle" doesn't do anything except make people wait for price cuts, and actually reduce the price of the cards, or offer mail in rebates. A card unsold is a 100% loss, whereas a card sold for a 1¢ profit is a gain.,37975.html

3 Replies
Journeyman III

Do you see this calamity going further south? The products seem great and even production cycle seems to meet customer demand. Intel really sucks in comparison and the only reason they float is because they are the only game in town on planet earth.


CPUs won't be a problem for the next few years as AMD is on top of their game, GPUs though are going to be a problem at least through 2020 as AMD focuses on the enterprise sector.