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Adept I

AMD Game Codes, No Code [Amazon]


I purchased a RX 570 from Amazon the other day and it arrived today. It was from ASUS. It showed the AMD game codes on the page and I checked to see if Amazon was participating in the 3 game code event thing and they were, so I went ahead and ordered it. However, when adding to the cart I had no idea it was auto adding a sub-seller from Amazon and didn't know until I just checked today after noticing there were no codes in the box and that I wasn't emailed anything. Does buying from Amazon sub-sellers mean you do not qualify? Do I seriously have to return and rebuy from ASUS directly via Amazon to participate? Or can I just provide proof of purchase or something?

Thanks for reading,


I also didn't get the box advertisement trial for wtfast for 6 months.


Amazon support told me to contact ASUS for the codes, stating they weren't the ones that provided them in the first place (saying that even if I had purchased from them directly, they wouldn't have sent them) so now I'm really confused on what the process was supposed to be.

2 Replies

Third party sellers on Amazon are considered independent retailers operating a storefront, not as Amazon themselves. As AMD states in the FAQ, coupon codes are issued by the participating retailer, so third party sellers on Amazon are not included. As pointed out in the many Reddit threads on this topic (same thing for,, etc...):

Ah, I googled and couldn't find any answers. Thank you for the information. Sadly that is what I feared. Really strange Amazon support would answer in that way though. Guess I should get off support with ASUS and try to issue a refund with the seller and repurchase via ASUS directly if I can. Now that I know Amazon auto selects sub-sellers I'll know to pay attention for it. Sucks it took $200 for me to realize it.

Thank you for the answer,