Are you using Adrenalin 18.2.3?
If so, How’s That Driver Working For You?
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Radeon™ Software Adrenalin Edition 18.2.3 Release Notes
Message was edited by: Matt B
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I finally got Adrenalin 18.2.2 working (i hope) so i'm hesitating to install this just to try.
I hope it works good for you all.
AMD VEGA 64 + CF791 is still broken, freesync is not working with any setting. I can't update from 18.1.1, that is the last driver with working freesync with this pair.
Cleaning with DDU and with a fresh install didn't solved anything
Please AMD...make a separate forum for crossfire users...they always have their own problems. Always.
This should be moved to Drivers & Software.
Don't know what what wrong.
Read the opening post, what is required is clearly explained there.
I installed 18.2.3 this morning. My keyboard and mouse have stopped working since. I cannot find any fixes, I would love to fix this problem. My mouse and keyboard both light up but neither are responsive, I cannot log into my computer.
I am still getting what appear to be GPU hangs when the machine is unattended. When I come back I have to hit the reset button, and the windows event log has absolutely no information that anything has gone wrong. My machine is set to never sleep or hibernate, and only power down the monitors after 45 minutes of inactivity.
I suspect it is related to running more than one Nixeus NX-EDG27 144Hz freesync monitor. I received the first monitor at the end of November and had no issues at all with it or the video drivers. I added a second monitor in the middle of January and have been fighting these system hangs since then. Sometimes it takes 2-3 days to occur, and other times it is every day I come home from work etc. I thought the final 17.x drivers were immune on the hanging issue but have also been able to reproduce it with the 17.12.1 drivers, so to me this points to some issue with having 2 freesync monitors on DP having some issue.
System is Asus C6H w/ 1800X and stock clocks and Sapphire (reference) Vega 64 at stock clocks, on Win10.
Radeon Settings is crashing.
Error module version:
I am on Win7 x64.
Another user has same prob. Radeon Adrenalin v18.2.3 won't install the Radeon Settings tool
Might be useful to post your info there, and the 'Report Issue Online'.
Did the report now (redirect was not working yesterday for some reason).
I had to rollback the driver completely because when Radeon Settings is not working, and there is no "moderation" of FPS, or fan speed, apps may crash the system.