Hi all,
I am writing here so there is a record of this issue, I plan to share it with AMD and Acer but mostly AMD as I know they will want to do something about this.
On the Acer forums people I believe representing ACER say that the overdrive is working and is the reason the option cannot be changed on the monitors OSD. They say it's optimized, one said by AMD in the driver. I just bought myself the Acer XF270HUA which is the new version with the frameless design. The specs are 2560x1440p 144hz 4ms Freesync IPS (AHVA) panel by AU Optronics.
I tried using Freesync using Displayport on my MSI RX Vega 64 liquid and the ghosting is terrible, coming from a TN panel it's unplayable to me.
Thankfully I tried using the HDMI 2.0 port on the monitor and my RX Vega and the overdrive seems to be working on it, it's pretty close to my Benq XL2730Z which has the same specs but it's a TN 1ms panel.
It also didn't have overdrive working when I got it on displayport but I took it to Benq and they updated the firmware to version .v002 and after the update the ghosting went away and freesync and overdrive was working over displayport on the Benq XL2730Z.
I believe basically the Acer XF270HU has the same issue and has never been fixed. I am one of the lucky ones for now as it's working over HDMI 2.0 with a freesync range of 40-144hz.
HDMI isn't as stable as displayport in my opinion and I am worried about when this will stop working or if some games wont work.
One of the main reasons I am writing this is here are many people out there that purchased this monitor and don't have a HDMI 2.0 port on their GPU and are forced to use HDMI 1.4 which has a Freesync range of 40-70hz or are forced to use it with terrible ghosting.
Acer is saying overdrive is working on the XF270HU (I have the A version which is frameless) but a quick test using Fortnight and trying Display port and HDMI 2.0 and you will see that the overdrive isn't working when using display port.
I need AMD to test this and finally get around to fixing it together with ACER as it's been long enough and there are plenty of people trying to tell Acer that it's not working but with no luck and ACER saying it's working.
Another user tested it on the forum post below and said the overdrive was the same as DVI-D with overdrive off and not the normal setting ACER I believe is saying it uses.
Post on Acer community forum by user: badogblue
I have 2 of these screens side by side (1 with DisplayPort, 1 with DVI-D) and by running the following test: http://www.testufo.com/#test=ghosting it is clear that:
Overdrive via DisplayPort is identical to Overdrive disabled via DVI-D
Please explain how disabling Overdrive via DisplayPort is the same as "optimizing" it.
So I hope that Acer can finally fix this monitor's overdrive when using displayport with freesync.
amdmatt I hope you can help this issue get the attention it so deserves for all those who purchased this monitor and don't have HDMI 2.0 on their GPU. Either way it should be fixed as it's not working.
Kind regards
I thought i'd try Displayport again and now it seems overdrive might be working now, it seems a lot better than the other day. I need to test more as I just got this monitor and I've been so busy.
I'm not sure what's going on to be honest at the moment.
Freesync is much smoother with HDMI 2.0.I have gone back to HDMI 2.0 it seems to have no issues unlike Displayport. Wish I could see what was actually happening with the overdrive, I have no way to compare with it on and off.
I'm starting to think overdirve is not working on this monitor.
The olverdrive is not working with freesync, using CRU I deleted the Freesync block using CRU.exe (Custom resolution Utility) and then was able to change the overdrive settings on the monitors OSD and it was evident that the overdrive ws in fact off and not on the normal mode as it says on the monitor.
I experienced less ghosting which was awesome but its'a not as smooth without freesync I'm used to smooth gameplay and without freesync it's annoying. I created a ticket with Acer regarding this issue, will they fix it?
I was only able to delete the freesync block when using HDMI2.0. I can't seem to delete the freesync block on displayport. After deleting the block on HDMI 2.0 the monitors mode changes from Freesync mode to normal.
I hope Acer fixes this as I need overdrive to work with freesync especially on a IPS monitor.
Overdrive is not working for me when using Freesync, neither HDMI 2.0 144hz, or DP 144Hz. It stay on "normal" but it is the same as off.
We can only use overdrive if the graphic card is not compatible with Freesync, or we can delete the block "freesync" in CRU for hdmi input.
So there is no way to use Freesync with overdrive on this screen ? i'm so disappointed
I ended up returning it as there won't be a fix anytime soon if ever. Not even sure their new Nitro will have this issue fixed. I ended up purchasing the Nixeus 27 EDG, I was lucky to find it on Newegg Australian site with free shipping from the USA! All up paid AUD$622.00 less than the Acer even from the states.
The overdrive works on the Nixeus, well only low works but it works with Freesync which is awesome over DP!
Here you can see Nixeus rep explaining the overdrive situation after I pointed out only low works.
Nice ! I didn't know this brand. Anyway I think I cannot find this one in France.
Same panel than The Acer one ?
Yes it's the same pannel.
I believe it's the same panel as the original XF270HU as it's definitely using the M270DAN02.3
I think the XF270HUA is using the M270DAN02.6 hence the 10bit at 120hz and lower, so I have been told but there is no way of knowing for sure without opening the panel.
Guys i Had the same problem on my Acer monitor 251KF 144 Hz all You have to do is go to the settings button, then go to system, and change DP Format from 1.2 to 1.1 this Worked for me even though i'm using display port 1.2
Yeah it sucked I found a easy way to dissable Freesync without needing CRU.exe, just bring up the firmware version which will disable freesync (take the monitor out of freesync mode) only works using HDMI does nothing on Displayport. I did it on HDMI 2.0 of course.
Follow these steps.
Turn off the monitor then hold the power and the Mode button (first button on the left) then when the desktop appears let go of the power button then let go of the mode button and then just press the mode button again. Then just press the second betton from the left to hide the firmware info. Turning the monitor off resets it.
Thank you it work, and freesync stay off later when I shut off the screen.
With a 144Hz screen, the tearing is almost invisible at ~60fps compared to a 60Hz screen.
Now the question is : what is better, tearing with overdrive or freesync without overdrive ? 😕
I'm trying to see a difference in games with overdrive max and off. Absolutely nothing for now.
IPS are better than VA because they have almost the same response time in light and dark area, not like VA. At least on this screen. I can't see the difference between 10ms (OD off) and 4ms (OD on) for now in games
It only matters when there is fast movement. If there is only slow movement 10 ms might be enough but for very fast action ideal for 144hz you will notice it because the speed will create ghosting but if you look around slowly ghosting won't be visible.
Move your mouse as fast as possible left and right, without overdrive there will be white/grey ghosting making the image blurry and hard to make out, with overdrive on there will be a dark outline on objects which are dark so they are distinguishable in fast movement. In games like Fortnite and Battlefield you need the overdrive as it's a twitch style game and you need to be able to spot while moving very fast and overdrive enables you to see the outline of objects and otherwise they get lost in the ghosting blur.. At 144hz each frame takes approx 7ms so it's needed for the pixel transitions to be shown properly.