I've been experiencing Black Screen of Death (BSOD) errors on my PC that require a hard reboot. Since the game's launch, it’s been challenging to complete even one match without these crashes. Here are the troubleshooting steps I've tried so far:
MBO : Asrock x570 taichi
GPU : Gigabyte 6900 XT
CPU : R9 - 5900x
RAM : G.skill trident Z 32gb
SSD : W.D Black sn850
PSU: Corsair HX1200i
Solved! Go to Solution.
This is what i did to fix it.
Please let me know if this solution resolves your problem. I am currently using Windows 11.
"Still encountering the BSOD. Now I'm attempting an undervolt using AMD settings, matching the same parameters I used in MSI Afterburner.
If this doesn’t work, my next step will be to disable XMP."
don't use afterburner to undervolt use adrenaline. they accually make it very easy with one click in performance -> tuning -> undervolt GPU. MSI Afterburner is the worse program to use to tune an AMD GPU it will fail and cause issues majority of the time.
I recently attempted to undervolt my GPU using AMD Adrenalin but encountered two black screen crashes that required hard resets within 10 minutes. To troubleshoot, I uninstalled all AMD Adrenalin software and switched to a driver-only installation (version 24.10.1). I’m now using MSI Afterburner with a core voltage set to 1110 mV and a core clock of 2285 MHz, which are the stock settings specified by my card’s manufacturer.
I've been experiencing consistently smooth gameplay lately, with nearly perfect performance across the board. Only one DirectX 12 crash has occurred, but it’s infrequent enough that it’s not a concern. 🙂
I was on the verge of trying a GPU BIOS reinstall, but this setup seems stable for now. Looking forward to seeing what improvements AMD will bring in the next driver update!
Played Blops6 for hours and hours. AMD everything. Zero crashes. Odd. Using the same gpu driver.
7800x3d/Ref 7900xtx both on water
2nd rig 7800x3d/asrock aqua with vbios2 (both on water) GPU pulls around 440w at times. Dig it.
Both gpu's set to 3100mhz. 1150mV (the undervolt doesnt seem to do much if anything that ive seen/noticed, ever)
I'm curious: do most people still use Windows 10, or have they upgraded to Windows 11? Which one do you use?
11 Been great for me....
Neither of my rigs have crashed in game or elsewhere in months. And i put a ton of hours on them. Just played Off The Grid for 18 hours with out turning my pc off. Ran fine. GoW, on and on and on and on. I havent had a crash since like January.
This is what i did to fix it.
Please let me know if this solution resolves your problem. I am currently using Windows 11.
I prefer amd clean up utility on my amd cards, but same same. I would NOT ever let windows chose what driver to install, but to each their own. It should be the newest doing that anyway, but again, to each their own.
I use/open Adrenalin almost every day with out any issues (again, on 2 full amd rigs, both on W11). So, that's odd. But, hey, glad your up and rolling. Cheers and happy gaming.
Well, it all started when Black Ops 6 was released. Have you been able to play it without crashing? It seems a lot of people are experiencing this issue. The Windows update installs the 24.11.1 driver, and it all works somehow while version 24.12.1 is the newest one I can find. If I even touch AMD Adrenalin, my PC crashes.