Whenever my computer goes into screensaver, it works fine, but then after a minute or two it goes into sleep mode. However, I'm not able to re wake it. When I press any key, or hold any key down, it acts like it's going to wake, but then the monitor says it's searching and can't find one.
If I continue to press keys, after awhile it starts back up, but it has restarted the computer instead of just re waking.
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I'm not sure where this would go, other than general discussion as the ones you listed above I have not idea if it's any of those areas. I don't know what is causing it. If I knew it was a driver issue, then I could place it there, so that's why I placed here first.
Uninstall your driver an install this one. https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-17-9-1
The OP has a 5700 XT, so while the driver you suggested is a good stable driver for RX 580 and earlier GCN, it does not even support the OP's card.
So what are you saying? Are you saying it wont install?
That driver is nearly 3 years older than the OP's card. No it does not support their card. The release notes show what cards they support. That driver does not support any card released after the RX 580.
it says Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.4.1 Optional
So yeah. Same driver.RX 580 Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.4.1 Optional
Same driver. it should work on 17.9.1 It should work perfectly fine.
Why would you think a driver from 2017 is fine for a card that wasn't invented until 2019? I doubt it would install anyway as it would not detect a valid card being installed. I think you are missing the point that yes it would work on your RX 580 that is Polaris but not on a 5700 xt that is Navi based.
Because they use the same driver. They never change. No matter how many times i tell AMD to change them. Their tech crew wont change it. They have this idea of using the same design over an over again. So as i said. it should work perfectly. You will just miss out on some features. Not functionality mind you. So it should be OK. Don't worry. its fine.
Navi is a completely different architecture than Polaris which is GCN. So no, an older driver will not work. But you can think whatever you like.
Well if it wont harm the system what does the customer have to lose?
Trying to load an incompatible driver on unsupported hardware is pretty much the definition harmful IHMO.
OK. An how many times have you seen harm?