I need a game that will dig its hooks in. Destiny 2 isn't grabbing me anymore and Diablo 4 got repetitive, I finished about as much Starfield as I can handle. I'm looking for a good multiplayer game to grab my attention, something I can "No Life" on for a few months or more.
I play World of Tanks (and World of Tanks - Blitz when short on time) because it's easier on my mousing hand and I don't feel nauseous after playing it. I love playing Stray, but it does make me feel nauseous after about 30 minutes. The FPS games are too hard on my right wrist (mousing hand).
These two...
Not gonna lie, last months is 99% with my son, nothing else.
Is multiplayer coop your thing? There are lots of nostalgia old games but they won't last months. World of Tanks or Warships is kind of cool.
Are you into FPS games? Counter-Strike 2 just came out, and I've seen quite a few people play that recently. I've been thinking of giving it a shot myself... even though I'm terrible at those games 😅
There's also popular games like Apex Legends or Valorant if those are your cup of tea.
I do like Coulterstrike and had no idea 2 came out. I'll look into that one for sure.
I am quite obsessed with Death Stranding.
That's a one I've been meaning to play as well. I totally forgot about it, was also maybe thinking of Calisto protocol.
if you are introvert and enough with what world offer, Death Stranding is suit you.
You nailed it with that last comment lol... Death Stranding it is, and I'll give Counterstrike 2 a try
osu I guess