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Community Manager

Red Team V-LAN 1: Guest List (SOLD OUT)


UPDATE: Happy Friday, Everyone! We added everyone to our Red Team Discord Server. Join us tomorrow at 11:00 am CST in the General Voice chat room in the V-LAN Section.


Hi, Red Team, 

All the seats are filled! Note, we may be able to squeeze in a few more seats or may swap some folks as some may cancel as we get closer to Saturday, August 19th. 

Here is the guest list:


  RT Username Discord Username Time Mentioned Games
1 @petosiris  petosiris/Viking 08-04-2023 08:26 AM Chess
2 @jamesc359  jamesc359 ‎08-04-2023 11:08 AM  
3 @dryden  o_doom ‎08-04-2023 11:59 AM Division 2
4 @JCTango  jctango 08-04-2023 12:01 PM  
5 @jdm  jd_mcc 08-04-2023 12:04 PM  
6 @nikos2000p  OniroyS 2127 08-04-2023 12:05 PM  
7 @Tamandeep  desibill ‎08-04-2023 12:07 PM  
8 @alyx117  alyx117 ‎08-04-2023 12:10 PM Halo CS LFG
9 @sonuchi  Sonuchi 08-04-2023 12:11 PM  
10 @AbyssalMelody13  abyssalmelody13 08-04-2023 12:14 PM  
11 @autoexec04  autoexec04! ‎08-04-2023 12:27 PM  
12 @gi_jungle  Depth_Hold_ROV ‎08-04-2023 12:33 PM  
13 @johnny_cee  fakenewz ‎08-04-2023 12:38 PM  
14 @venaur  Venaur 08-04-2023 12:44 PM  
15 @caerbannog  caerbannog 08-04-2023 12:49 PM  
16 @neon  w00tDoc 08-04-2023 12:50 PM  
17 @redeemer_xyz  redeemer_xyz 08-04-2023 12:50 PM  
18 @DesMephisto  DesMephisto 08-04-2023 12:51 PM  
19 @slowdive  slowsmokes ‎08-04-2023 01:04 PM  
20 @bcmurray  br1an_m 08-04-2023 01:09 PM  
21 @musical  musical_ 08-04-2023 01:18 PM  
22 @devinedragoon  Devinedragoon 08-04-2023 01:24 PM COD and OW2
23 @umnikke8  umnikke8 (or thefollow42) 08-04-2023 01:26 PM  
24 @ShayneB  SycoAniliz 08-04-2023 01:26 PM  
25 @soupinator  Soupinator 08-04-2023 01:39 PM  
26 @kuttysark  kuttysark 08-04-2023 01:40 PM  
27 @xsoulsin  Xsoulsin 08-04-2023 01:49 PM  
28 @bandana121  bandana121 08-04-2023 01:56 PM  
29 @Display1  display_ 08-04-2023 02:08 PM  
30 @drpluto  drpluto 08-04-2023 02:30 PM  
31 @SudoPro  sudopro 08-04-2023 03:18 PM  
32 @warpfact0r10  WarpFact0r10 08-04-2023 03:48 PM  
33 @wildcard1978  wildcard1978 08-04-2023 04:02 PM MechWarrior 5
34 @PandorianGrey  Pandoriangrey 08-04-2023 04:15 PM  
35 @tosblackdeath  blackdeath 08-04-2023 04:31 PM  
36 @Doryan  DoryanTheCritic 08-04-2023 04:57 PM  
37 @deno03  Deno ‎08-04-2023 05:39 PM  
38 @apstwitch  Shweddy_B 08-04-2023 06:44 PM  
39 @larrydarren  LarryDarren 08-04-2023 07:05 PM  
40 @piggradio  piggradio 08-04-2023 07:06 PM  
41 @terrybear2k  Terry3Gs 08-04-2023 07:11 PM  
42 @filinux  FiLiNuX 08-04-2023 07:15 PM  
43 @silverzatch  Sourav#0007 08-04-2023 07:47 PM  
44 @xlenduroman  XLEnduroMan 08-04-2023 07:48 PM  
45 @B333ST  B333ST 08-04-2023 08:24 PM  
46 @am1sf1t  m1sf1t 08-04-2023 08:28 PM  
47 @KiraUsagi  SSG_KiraUsagi_Yama 08-04-2023 08:31 PM  
48 @bayoudeputy  BayouDeputy 08-04-2023 08:31 PM  
49 @jpr9845  jpr9845 08-04-2023 08:35 PM  
50 @ElectricYoshi  electricyoshi 08-04-2023 08:36 PM  
51 @rokipra2  a.delaney 08-04-2023 08:40 PM  
52 @SapphireRoxis  sapphire_roxis 08-04-2023 08:46 PM  
53 @thumper  THUMPer 08-04-2023 09:07 PM  
54 @narc71  n_a_r_c 08-04-2023 09:18 PM  
55 @elpuertorro  elpuertorro 08-04-2023 09:45 PM  
56 @timmahotool  TimmahOTool  08-04-2023 10:08 PM  
57 @Cencerd  Cencerd 08-04-2023 10:14 PM  
58 @rtbh99  rtbh99 08-04-2023 11:06 PM  
59 @n00bert0  richard.c 08-04-2023 11:49 PM Chess and CSGO
60 @remixreviews  remixreviews ‎08-04-2023 11:55 PM  
61 @planetkeeper  planetkeeper ‎08-05-2023 12:19 AM  
62 @Ryzen91  Molon91 08-05-2023 01:09 AM  
63 @glutenfree  peanutbutterpope 08-05-2023 02:07 AM  
64 @Abwam  hardin2006 08-05-2023 03:01 AM  
65 @rqs-devine  RQSdevine ‎08-05-2023 04:58 AM MechWarrior Online
66 @wuvein  Wuvein ‎08-05-2023 05:16 AM  
67 @templar2009  templar2009 08-05-2023 05:23 AM  
68 @JaguarJoey  JaguarJoey 08-05-2023 05:27 AM  
69 @haysleyez  haysleyez 08-05-2023 06:07 AM  
70 @Englishnomad  Englishnomad 08-05-2023 06:16 AM  
71 @iambox  @1ambox 08-05-2023 09:23 AM  
72 @red5  berserkre ‎08-05-2023 11:08 AM  
73 @BigTacious  bigtacious 08-05-2023 01:19 PM  
74 @Eudicots   eudicots ‎08-05-2023 01:20 PM  
75 @terminalgain  terminalgain or Terminalgain ‎08-05-2023 02:50 PM  
76 @GLKKeith  glk_keith 08-05-2023 05:20 PM  
77 @guskline  skline00  08-05-2023 05:47 PM  
78 @Arkantis  arkantis 08-05-2023 06:07 PM  
79 @DonaldGunnoe  donaldg 08-05-2023 10:01 PM  
80 @krankypants  knomik 08-05-2023 11:03 PM  
81 @rainbrodash666  RainBroDash666 08-06-2023 12:29 AM  
82 @hibson  shepard_sr3 08-06-2023 12:52 AM  
83 @TrevorBaggins  trevor_baggins 08-06-2023 01:24 PM  
84 @spicecore  Spicecore 08-06-2023 11:16 PM  
85 @ghastlywulf  GhostWulf 08-07-2023 02:43 AM  
86 @Jype  Jype ‎08-07-2023 11:17 AM  
87 @DustDevil8  Dust Devil 08-07-2023 04:20 PM  
88 @Starkiller1991  Starkiller1991 08-08-2023 12:59 PM  
89 @walking_corpse  jcricejones 08-08-2023 05:52 PM  
90 @GawrNova  gawrzen 08-08-2023 05:56 PM  
91 @morphinebear  mb 08-08-2023 06:27 PM  
92 @lucasc  lucascts ‎08-08-2023 06:30 PM  
93 @Veyngte  a1ejandroo  08-08-2023 07:03 PM  
94 @rurutu  rurutu 08-08-2023 10:09 PM  
95 @otacon  landbat 08-08-2023 10:34 PM  
96 @birdofnight  birdofnight ‎08-08-2023 11:25 PM  
97 @newlexican  newlexican ‎08-09-2023 05:56 AM  
98 @Dannyboy3210  Dannyboy3210 or dannyboy3210 08-09-2023 10:58 AM  
99 @ramenrider  RamenRider 08-11-2023 12:03 AM  
100 @sdizzol  swagdizzol 08-11-2023 03:20 AM  


Thank you all for signing up! I'm excited and can't wait to play with you all! 

Feel free to send me a PM or reply to this post if you have any questions! 


UPDATE: Happy Friday, Everyone! We added everyone to our Red Team Discord Server. Join us tomorrow at 11:00 am CST in the General Voice chat room in the V-LAN Section.


Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT
46 Replies
Adept II

Woo, I just slipped in!

Halo MCC was a mentioned game collection (Halo Master Chief Collection) not a display name.

Yay, you did! 

Oops, my bad. I'll fix it in just a second.

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT
Adept III

Think I made a mistake putting my Discord display name instead of my user name. Don't see anyone with the same name in the Discord, do you want it changed?

No problem. What's your Discord username?

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT


I assume Discord won't force me to change it between now and the event to get rid of the # ending.

@morphinebear wrote:


That's your Discord handle, if I'm not mistaken.  It's different from username.  That's why I asked Sam about if he wanted the handle or username.

Petosiris           About me | PC specs | Favorite game | How to display your PC specs in an image

Hello, @morphinebear (Hi @petosiris

We need your username, not your handle. 

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT

@Sam_AMD wrote:

We need your username, not your handle. 

OK, I understand now that username is different from display name but I'll give you both:

Username: Viking
Display name in AMD Discord: petosiris

Petosiris           About me | PC specs | Favorite game | How to display your PC specs in an image

Great, better be safe than sorry. I just updated the list too. Thank you @petosiris 

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT

Was a bit confused since there is a difference in the terms but I forgot that there was also a server nickname. Apparently searching any of them will bring up the same user. For clarity:

General display name: mb (Suppose you can ignore this one)
Username: *vD8r9msB!k2QkQ7z#1670
AMD Discord's server nickname: MorphineBear


Anyone else play Heroes of the Storm?  I'd be up for a few games, or 20 LOL
Community Manager

I see you! I used to play back in the day, but could see myself play a few matches. I know they have an ARAM mode now...

Adept II

Woot I am in. So excited about the vlan and I will have to download some games to play, beyond my current library.

Here is few list of games

Borderland 2
Borderland 3
Borderland Pre-Sequel
Golf with your friends
The Division
The Division 2
Far Cry 5 + DLC
Far Cry New Dawn
Far Cry 6 + DLC
Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Battlefield 1, 3, 4, V
Fortnite + Save the world
Fall Guys
COD: Cold War
COD: Warzone
Halo Master Chief Collection
Minecraft Dungeons
Minecraft Legends
Sea of Thieves

Journeyman III


Looking forward to hang out with this community. Seems like a great time. 

I have a question: If you'll be able to add more people, or if someone has to cancel, how can one be added to the list? 😃 

Hello, @ToxAntidote , Welcome to Red Team! 

I'm planning to update the guest list tomorrow morning. I believe there will be a few extra seats after I go through it. So, short answer, check the list tomorrow by 12:00 pm CST. If there is a seat open, simply reply to this post with an "I want in, Sam!" 😉

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT
Adept I

I've already got my calendar blocked out for this event! It's gonna be great!

Adept II

Are the seats just to play or do you need one to participate in the overall event? If it's for the event I'll take one.

Hello, @umnikke8 

You need a seat to access the Red Team Discord Server and participate in the event, including the giveaways (a.k.a. Sweepstakes). 

As of right now, it looks like you will be getting a seat ðŸ˜Ž

What is your Discord username?

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT

I think my discord user is the same as here, still getting used to discord.


Gotcha! You're on the list now. 

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT

@Sam_AMD I think I goofed and my discord username is: thefollow42

Hopefully thats the right one and you can find me.

Journeyman III

I'd be interested in joining

Hi @ShayneB , Welcome to Read Team! 

Great! Happy to have you at the party! What is your Discord username?

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT


You're on the list @ShayneB 

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT

I REALLY wanted to partake in the VLAN as it's been a few years since I've "attended" one but my wife is currently on nights and my 5 y/o has an attention span about the size of a gnat! Have fun everyone!

LOL, I hear ya! My wife works on Saturdays, and I have a 7 y/o with the same attention span! And he's gonna be at home with me during the entire event! Fun times! 

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT
Volunteer Moderator

Add me in if a seat is available, Discord: .battlemage

Community Manager

Hi, Blaze, you're in already, along with the rest of our super-cool mods/volunteers. (We're gonna need ya!)😅

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT


Please don't turn number 101 down because the event is full, just put them in my place.  As I said before, I'd be happy to give my seat to someone else. 🙂  I really mean that.

Petosiris           About me | PC specs | Favorite game | How to display your PC specs in an image

@petosiris you are very kind my friend! Don't worry, I believe we're going to be okay. 

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT
Adept I

I'm in! Discord is @SudoPro

Fav games are:

Destiny 2

CoD (warzone and arena)

Halo (MCC and Infinite)


Mostly just looking forward to having a bunch of fun with everyone!

You grabbed the last seat @SudoPro Welcome to Red Team! 

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT
Community Manager

ALRIGHT FRIENDS, I wasn't able to add the following folks to our VLAN Role in the AMD Red Team Discord Server: 


This could be that you haven't added yourself to the AMD Red Team Server yet, if you haven't - please join here: 


If you are a member of the Discord server, please confirm your username on your Discord profile in the bottom left hand of the discord app. Here's an example of mine: 


The username is the second line below your profile name. 

Please respond to this comment once you've joined the server and what your Discord username is. Thank you! 


Your friend at AMD
PC specs | Twitter | Red Team Discord

Apologies, thought I had already done it some time ago!!  Name is FiLiNuX I believe.  I have been downloading several of the games and realized I have not played any of them online.  Easy target reporting for duty and for FUN of course!! 

Haha you are in my friend! 🙂 Looking forward to tomorrow! 

Your friend at AMD
PC specs | Twitter | Red Team Discord

Thanks, I just joined.

Journeyman III

I'm sorry I can't participate tomorrow in the VLAN, I'm in the hospital and I'll be here for a couple more days, my discord username is gawrzen. again I apologize for not being able to participate, I really wanted to play with you all....