Is my trusty old Phenom II x4 850 and Radeon 7770 too old? I expected Ubuntu to open. It didn't. Help? No hurry, I am a geezer and have lots of time...
??? what is your question? xD
i run Ubuntu (or Lubuntu; Xubuntu) on machines WAY WORSE!
so if you have problems than your config is wrong!
I have verified the download, but I do not krow how to start ubuntu. Do I need to change config.sys?
I would suggest you to check this link about installing Bionic Beaver:
Also you can check here:
Also here for the minimal server:
Good luck.
so you downloaded ubuntu iso and dont know what to do with it?
Create a bootable USB stick on Windows | Ubuntu tutorials
or do you want to run it in a VM?
btw - google is your friend!