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Gaming Discussions


Off topic: Does AMD offer internships for College Students?

Not sure if I'm not doing enough research or if this just isn't available, but do you guys know if AMD offers any  or summer internships?

I'm currently a sophomore studying mathematics and computer science, so if anyone from AMD sees this shoot me an email

Otherwise if anyone knows a good place to get some internship opportunities I would really appreciate the help!

It's been a while since I've been active on these forums, but hopefully now that I'm stable in school

I'll be able to get back to my passion of building PC's and posting videos on youtube!!!

2 Replies
Not applicable


You can check the AMD Job page here: Jobs at AMD​​
You can check which position AMD is offering, there are some internship you could be interested in.
You can also register, create a profile, fill the form and upload a resume/cover letter.

Thank you I'll go check it out now!