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NO "FRTC" Frame Rate Target Control with Radeon Software 20.8.1
Hello again ; )
I am sooo saaad to announce that AMD "again" forgot to give us back our most wanted feature!
Dear AMD. I will not rest! Thank you.
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They have no intention of bringing it back as a separate control.
Just use MSI Afterburner Rivatuner Frame Rate limiter or wait until someone writes a decent GUI/UI for AMD Drivers like in the old days.
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Hi !
You're right, but it's stupid in fact (the decision to removed, not you of course ^^) ... they removed one function which was working great, everytime, everywhere and without any issues, and useful "everytime" (unlike some that they have added in the meantime, like the integrated browser for exemple, which isn't something essentiel, all launcher have already one in their overlay) and that will obligate us to use a tierce one, on one another soft to get an identical function, even though there was one was integrated before.
Even tough nVidia add one in their driver at the moment where they removed their.
This decision makes no sense. At all.
Like the author of the thread (and many other) , I'm expecting they bring back the function.
It's not like to ask for a new function, this one already existed. The load of works to put it again isn't really big so ...
I didn't make, as some other, any definitive update of driver since the change of UI/delete of FRTC ... Tested some version, but always come-back on 19.12.1 to have FRTC.
Maybe it's like fighting against windmills I suppose, but at least if one guy is continuing to try to change by creating thread (It's not a lot, but they're not lot of solution, so), maybe at long-term we can expext something.
It's my 2 cents. Hope that can helps...
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If you just want FRTC function alone, just turn on Radeon Chill and set Chill Min = Chill Max = 59 for example.
That should work.
Hoerver if you want to use FRTC with Chill or FRTC with Radeon Boost, you can't using the GUI.
Since AMD remove the Global FRTC slider and tie FRTC to Chill Max you are stuffed if you want to game with Chill and not turn in game VSync on.
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Yeah, but no ... I know we have to use Chill : but sadly, it's not work so fine as FRTC. And that the problem, and why we regret the lose of FRTC.
Chill don't replace it entirely : it just not working on some game-menu for exemple, or can create stuttering in game too (anyway, I xperimented sometimes with it). And on some games, Vsync not locked totally fps (DooM 2016 for exemple).
With FRTC, I never had any problem, it was just working everytime, and fine 😕
Anway, it was what I observated when I used the both ...
Maybe I'm wrong and don't interpreted correctly your third sentence : but you told they're a way to enabled it without using driver's GUI (editing a files maybe ?) ?
If it's true, I'm interested !
Anyway, for me It's probably nothing for them to put it again ... except a few time to reinteger it, but it's probably just a short time of works (don't know how much, I'm not dev ^^), because the function existed before ...
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RE: Yeah, but no ... I know we have to use Chill : but sadly, it's not work so fine as FRTC. And that the problem, and why we regret the lose of FRTC.
Yes I know. I agree with you. I protested loss of FRTC, but the response from AMD is "turn on chill, set Min = max".
RE: Chill don't replace it entirely : it just not working on some game-menu for exemple, or can create stuttering in game too (anyway, I xperimented sometimes with it).
RE: And on some games, Vsync not locked totally fps (DooM 2016 for exemple).
With FRTC, I never had any problem, it was just working everytime, and fine 😕
Anway, it was what I observated when I used the both ...
I have been running BFV and other games with VSync Off and using FRTC to keep 1-2 FPS below Vsync range and it workks great. Also used FRTC with DX111 CrossFire and DX12 MGPU.
Maybe I'm wrong and don't interpreted correctly your third sentence : but you told they're a way to enabled it without using driver's GUI (editing a files maybe ?) ?
If it's true, I'm interested !
There used to be a registry entry to re-enable FRTC in Adrenalin 2020. I cannot remember the variable right now.
The FRTC function is still in the drivers. They simply tied FRTC to Chill Max w/o thinking about it enough, just so they could remove one additional slider.
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"Yes I know. I agree with you. I protested loss of FRTC, but the response from AMD is "turn on chill, set Min = max"."
It's not the first thread I read, and I saw you protested too ... So I know a bit your position about that.
But I'm frustrated, I supposed, about the remove of FRTC, that why I'm a bit annoyed 😕
"I have been running BFV and other games with VSync Off and using FRTC to keep 1-2 FPS below Vsync range and it workks great. Also used FRTC with DX111 CrossFire and DX12 MGPU."
Me too, I did the same !
My screen is a 75Hz (and Fressync), so I put 73fps max and ... everything worked fine !
In fact i used it with all the game I have ... and also on old one so, which was great because that aoid to have xxxfps for nothing (for exemple, I don't need 150fps in Medieval 2 Total War, and that allowed to don't use VSync, as you told).
"There used to be a registry entry to re-enable FRTC in Adrenalin 2020. I cannot remember the variable right now.
The FRTC function is still in the drivers. They simply tied FRTC to Chill Max w/o thinking about it enough, just so they could remove one additional slider."
I found it ! :
- KMD_FRTEnabled
- KMD_MaxFrameRateRequested
I found it (thx Google) on a Reddit thread.
So, I tried to modify the registry without doing nothing more, and that doesn't works.
By following more instruction in the Reddit thread (and a second one quoted in the first post), I uninstalled with DDU, modify the key after install just the driver with "Device Manager" (as explain in the quoted thread) and reboot ... but that doesn't works again 😕
I suppose I missed something ... a complicated story for a simple function ^^'
PS : sorry for the long time between my answer, I didn't have lot of time to answer ...
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No problem.
I did have FRTC working using a registry setting in Adrenalin 2020.
I will check if it was the same one later.
I am currently running with Hybrid Adrenalin 2019 19.12.1 GUI/UI and 20.8.1 driver install
So I have FRTC at the moment and it works:
Maybe you should try that?
The best perforrming Frame Rate Limiter is Rivatuner though, so you could try it with the above Hybrid driver install.
If you can put up with Adrenalin 2020 GUI/UI and 20.8.1 driver and its drain on CPU resources (7-14% of a Ryzen 2700X on Windows 10 Pro 19.09 ) , you could try using Rivatuner with it.
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It's even better !
I prefered the "Crimson" look as the "Adrenalin 2020", so it's double win !
So I tried, and succeed, to apply old UI with 20.8.1 ... But I'm not sure it's the best way to do :
I installed all the 19.12.1, then I run the new one and stop when he asked to install.
With "Device Manager", I selected "Updated driver" and selected the new folder to update.
After reboot, I have Crimson UI, but the 20.8.1 installed !
Of course, I tested, and it's works !
Anyway, thanks for the tips !
But, maybe it have a better solution/way to do, I suppose ?
I didn't notice a higher load for my CPU (I have an i7 3770k and I'm under W10 2004, my graphic card is a RX480), but maybe a bit higher RAM load ... but I'm not sure to be honest ...
Anyway, an other good aspect with FRTC is to avoid to use a tierce soft, and have an integrated and esay solution, even if it's not the best (but stay close to perfect in my case !)
For the registry key, I put the way (I used and found on Reddit) on the screenshot linked ^^
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Glad it helped you out and you now have FRTC back.
You installed the Hybrid driver it the way I tell everyone to do it.
I much prefer Adrenalin 2019 19.12.1 GUI/UI Interface.
Only 2 drawbacks.
(1). Xbox Game Pass Titles do not appear in the launcher.
(2). Radeon Image Sharpening % control is not available but likely a registry hack to do it.
I have no idea why AMD pushed the Adrenalin 2020 GUI/UI and dropped the Adrenalin 2019 19.12.1 style one.
The Adrenalin 2020 GUI/UI is awful.
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And Thank you for your help ^^
Ok, so I found it by myself, I tried another way too, but I don't remember it right now (and it was maybe more complicated too, so it's not important) ^^'
I prefer the Adrenalin 2019 too, more easy and simple as the other one.
It's not really a problem to don't have Xbox GP's game, I'm not using it, so for me it's not important (at least for the moment).
I don't really use RIS too, but I could want to test it, it's not a big problem, but thanks for the information !
I can supposed they pushed it because it's their "last baby", but a more simple, "minimalistic" one could be nice too ... with FRTC integrated in of course lol
So, thank you for your time and help ^^
PS : if I find how to activate FRTC with registry key, and something other, I'll post it here
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This is the best Framerate/Frametime Limiter I have found.
It works well with Radeon Chill.
Downside if you cannot get a stand alone version to run you need to use MSI Afterburner.
If you do install MSI Afterburner there is a chance that it's settings for fan control and/or GPU clocks might interfere with AMD Adrenalin Settings.
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Sorry again for this very late answer... Time was missing...
It's Riva Turner ?
I tried to use it, very long time ago (even don't remember for what), but it didn't look like that, if It's it. It was more "messy" in my memory.
In fact, even with FRTC, I'm not using Radeon Chill, like my screen is a 21/9, my GPU is already struggling a bit on some game, the game that could maybe have an interest ... so I don't have the use of the function.
But with FRTC, or RivaTurner FPS-limiter, Chill is doing some stuttering like it is doing when is running alone, or that allow it to avoid that ?
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Using Chill but turning off in Game VSync and using FRTC or even better RivaTuner FPS Limiter seems to minimise "Chill Stuttering" for me.
I have been using FRTC or RivaTuner to limit FPS to 59 on screen with FreeSync Range = 40-60 and Chill settings Chill_Min = 30, Chill_Max = 300 and in game VSync = off.
FRTC limits rapid mouse movement FPS to 59.
Keyboard only input FPS ranges from 30, lowest possible power consumption (no input) to 55 (keyboard key held down such as W to walk or Shift + W to run).
I can increase the Keyboard only input FPS to ~58/59 in some games by repeated rapid tapping of W key to do the "Chill Chicken Walk" which is comedy but pointless behaviour to increase in game FPS.
FPS ramps from min of 30 to above the min FreeSync Range of 40 on my monitor quickly when I press W key and I see no observable stuttering or screen tearing with the above settings.
Since AMD removed FRTC from Adrenalin 2020 Drivers the only way to avoid screen tear with Chill on using the above settings of Chill_Min = 30 and Chill_Max to 300 (which are used to save max power and allow ~ 55 FPS Keyboard Only Input FPS) is to turn on In Game VSync to limit Rapid Mouse Movement causing FPS > FreeSync Range Maximum of 60.
That does seem to improve screen tearing but not completely remove it at 60 FPS.
I observe FPS Spiking > 60 FPS when any active key is pressed in Chill with in Game Vsync on in games like BFV, even with in game FPS limiter set to 60.
I also see some screen tearing and laggy stuttery behaviour in games like BFV at 30-40 FPS range when in game VSync is on and I am running those Chill 30-300 Values.
Running with in game VSync off seems much smoother and no screen tearing, as long as I set FRTC limit or I use RivaTuner to Limit Max FPS.
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Thank you!
We have to bring it up! I will not rest : )
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You're welcome ^^
Yes, it could be nice and better if they bring back it !
I didn't know for hybrid UI and/or registry key, so that compensate a lot.And it's not an easy way for everyone and peope who could be scared to try these type of things ... and have to know the tips 😕
But we aren't immune to permanently removing it from the drivers, and not just a slider.
We have to prey for don't happen !
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No, they need to think bad drivers.