Lol, check if SAM (Smart Access Memory) is enabled.. (above 4G decoding should be as well, i think)
Maybe first check if adrenaline software is installed and running. Windows-update might have installed another driver from their library. If unsure maybe just reinstall last recommended drivers (24.12.1 ?!) Or pick an older one, but i dont recommend that route.
Then check SAM and Above 4G decoding in bios.
Then you could consider making an gameprofile in Adrenaline for roblox, so you can force certain settings. Some games have an RTX only style of RT which doesnt play nice with AMD RT cores on 6x00/7x00 cards. So i typical try to disable RT, test and if fixed re-enable but scale down/disable reflections.
Actual freezing might be a whole other story, and as its roblox, do a diskcheck on the drives with roblox, OS and swap (might be the same) and check if anything weird is running in the background.. also enabling firewall on the machine and check for malware.
(Assuming that roblox doesnt run @ 4k,144hz+ with RT or shader mods, dlss/FSR swap..)