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Gaming Discussions

Journeyman III

How corsair deal with icue problem.

Corsair just doesn't or can't fix their icue high usage problem  

All default settings but only pbo enabled

Idle with icue


Idle without icue


Today I asked again from corsair that is it fixed and they answered "Hello. No. As stated before this is normal for icue…"

Is it? What other users think?

1 Reply
Journeyman III

There is how my 3700x idles with all core oc just for science 

With default setting with pbo I had lower all core boost than with pbo disabled. Actually best performance settings were all default settings but then you get high voltage spikes.

All core @4.2ghz, clean windows and only updates/drivers installed. Lowest what I get, jumping between 0.2-0.3v

At 0.3v one core is active. Using amd balanced, also chipset drivers from amd directly. Drivers from motherboard webpage were older. 

Yes there aren't any extra background apps running but icue is still too power hungry for background app. I like to see sub 1v idle, but maybe I want too much

New Bitmap Image.bmp

Bios settings, only 42x100, voltage auto ish, pbo enabled. All other settings default. Ram is oc to 3200mhz but it isn't related I guess. 


If I leave voltages auto, for some reason RM is locked to 1.1v, only cpuid show 1.325v. Then I changed it to amd overclocking but still auto and then it works. Only peak voltage is locked to max. 

