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Gaming Discussions

Community Manager

Getting back into gaming. Help me choose...

It's been years since I've played a "real" game. By real game, I mean a AAA title. Till now, actually, since becoming a dad, I've been playing casual games like Minesweeper (ikr), Sudoku (yup!), and Chess! (I'm hooked). Being a dad and playing games is a tricky business. That said, I'm getting ready to get back to gaming. 

Please help me choose Red Team. Which of the following games should I play first?

1 - Hitman 3

2 - Farcry  6

3 - Red Dead Redemption 2

One more question, would you let a 6-year-old boy play World of Warplanes? (It's rated T). 

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT
1 Solution
Not applicable

I would have suggested farcry6. i've a ryzen 5700G and radeon 5700XT it games rather amazingly well while being difficult and fiddly to set up at the same time. If anythings slightly wrong it will run terrible. AC valhalla feels like its miles faster and better graphically somehow its maybe not VULKAN by default or LESS vulkan somehow?

keep in mind all the ubisoft AMD titles are historically accurate though some things may be a bit more exaggerated or jokes of some sort. this south american reality simulation game called far cry 6 has all sorts of great jokes in there buried under almost entirely real world actual events and history. those missions you send the team on to collect resources on the board that takes hours and then can answer several questions like "distract the guards, A light a forest fire, B leave a car empty with handbrake off.. and so on. the ones where the guerilla people not know computers just shoved some USB hard drives at the telephone poles on the internet and logged their communications and their IT staff couldnt figure out how they were compromised so the military shut down their servers as a good one, so true. bribing pidgeon farmers to switch teams or using his courier pidgeons with USB sticks to win the war. all of those multiple choice missions are all actual things the guerilla fighters did IRL. its why its so cartoony and cheesy like cartoon villains.. and why assassins creed valhalla is so umm gritty and visceral like crime simulator?

i tried the hitman games briefly long time ago but i was most umm unimpressed at the 'no clue where to go or what to do, just get the job done with no clear objective.' like it shows some guy you gotta kill? but doesnt show where the heck they are or how to get to him or like label them as different from the other guys? do you just kill everyone on earth so you eventually get them? are cutscenes supposed to trigger? why are there so many security and defenses? was my 5 minutes of looking around i quit and uninstalled and played something far better.

if you enjoy car games theres some older ones nowadays which are quite affordable, maybe it was called GRIP you can find for under $2. rocket arena's free. Or dirt 5 is cheap nowadays but you really should run that with my config file and registry settings and configure the OS as when you reality simulate the game with better physics and super high supersampling and tessellation and octillions of resolution it becomes fantastically amazing. forza horizon 5 premium would be a very good choice or rent it on gamepass (maybe give free trial for a month a go?) but forza horizon 4 is quite the affordable title now that 5's out and its nearly as good. 

Im assuming you bought your AMD computer via AMD website or a authorized reseller listed on there.. else its 50 years obsolete intel nvidia fake trash. you see they've never made or invented a single thing, they snatch it up by force or wait decades till its cheaper then rename and relaunch it for many many times the price.. like the 60's and 70's ray tracing > better ray marching and better than that ray casting.. which was cheaply awesomely AMD tech available in the voodoo3dfx which they crushed but realised they cant sell or use it because it was chips and tech purchased by voodoo3dfx and not OWNED by them.

so intel and nvidia can like recycle old cheap AMD mobile phones from the 80's or 90's and sell as a new computer or whatever im guessing. AMD's military super computer tech stuff they make for IBM and cray super computing and everybody else and provide computers for toshiba and sony and stuff as they're a tech design firm and stuff. well intel and nvidia just wait 50 years for copyright to expire or look at ancient computers i mean like the history museum stuff and parade it around like its the best latest greatest. they used cheap calculators they were pretending to be computers for like close to 20 years now they swapped that out for RISC chips.. and in australia all the retailers sell fake intel/nvidia mediatek chips in the phones not true AMD tech snapdragons or RDNA 2 graphics chips.. you MUST buy via AMD website or samsung website or you're not going to have a computer or a phone, it will be mathematically TRILLIONS of TRILLIONS times worse wont even be CLOSE to a true super computer.

copy my config file into a recent snapdragon 835 or higher phone or a RDNA 2 phone you can run free android benchmark tools like geekbench 5 to see what chips inside it. your fake PC's maybe say AMD everywhere but they maybe took all the cores and expensive bits and RAM out of it.. probably even like the memory bus and bit depth.. steal more than half of it to sell pretend its a new phone or device or other brand.. then pretend they bought the AMD chips maybe. But then not configure or have a clue how to use a computer.

you would probably want to make the registry key entries i use as well on PC its up to you though.

I pressed F12 in steam or maybe mostly windows DVR winkey ALT and printscrn. sometimes possible radeon overlay ALT Z home screenshot click or ctrlshift+I but i fear that my umm display driver settings and resolution arent captured or shown or reproduced. perhaps a camera photograph OF my TV screen might work better? but that maybe wont show too as i use the same display driver enhancements and settings on my mobile phone. So.. i have no clue, but many of these images dont fit so i opened windows snipping tool then opened the PNG file then i saved as a jpg to get the size down smaller and more compressed. I wonder if the snipping tool made for showing and capturing AS IS works any better at keeping the quality levels i see on my screen. As often the saved images look like trash compared to in game. and using different screencapture methods steam vs windows vs AMD overlay look varying degrees of lousy terrible trash and not what was on screen. please give me some feedback if you see FOG and AIR moisture and density and air sort of volume making distant mountains blue from air like in sydney australias blue mountains. if you do not see effects like those or more ray tracing than you've ever seen.. then its not working and it should look far better. give me some feedback please.


Superheroes Suck 30_07_2022 11_23_09 PM.pngLustAcademy 30_07_2022 11_56_17 PM.pngMy Best Deal 1.9 31_07_2022 8_15_31 AM.pngC__Users_danie_Downloads_Lust-Academy-0.7.1f-pc_Lust-Academy-0.7.1f-pc 30_07_2022 11_54_03 PM.pngLustAcademy 30_07_2022 11_58_28 PM.png1475810_20220728115146_1.png1475810_20220728115444_1.png1475810_20220728121854_1.png1475810_20220728121352_1.png10246795063430479872_20220728222346_1.png10246795063430479872_20220728222849_1.png10246795063430479872_20220728222854_1.pngbaldurs gate 3.jpgBaldurs Gate 3 Skeleton at camp.jpgGenshin Impact 30_07_2022 2_40_00 PM.jpgGenshin Impact 30_07_2022 2_46_57 PM.jpgGenshin Impact 30_07_2022 2_44_05 PM.jpg20220727104114.png20220722160516.png20220728110914.png


View solution in original post

14 Replies

That is awesome Sam! I totally agree with you, being a dad is such a committed role that it can be really hard to find time to play. However, when you do find those moments, Away From Kids for Gaming (😉 😏) they feel that extra special!

You gave such a varied list of games.

1 - Hitman 3 - Tactical thought-based game with clear objectives.

2 - Farcry  6 - More of the maximum chaos with storyline elements thrown in.

3 - Red Dead Redemption 2 - Open world play as you want.


If it was me, I think I would play Farcry 6 - because as you mentioned, you might get pockets of game time, so you can go in and run missions or sandbox content and then close your game and still feel accomplished. 


**Canadian Gamer & Father -** - Live Wed & Fri at 8:00pm PST - Come join!
Big Boss

@Sam_AMD wrote:

Being a dad and playing games is a tricky business.  

I can relate to that.

Its hard finding time around here. Really! 

Between the regular IT daily job, making dinner, taking care of the house, taking care of the kid and trying to get a channel during spare nights... I'm kind'of-a Zombie lately, a happy, drooling and grinning type of zombie 😂

The best part.. I'm saving so much for my next GPU! If I don't play, I don't have the pressing need for a new GPU 🤣

In that lot, I would maybe try Farcry 6, mainly because its an FPS instead of third person and thus more involving. That really does the trick for me.

The Englishman

Been playing the heck out of RDR2 it’s a blast. 

MSi B550 Gaming Plus, AMD 5950X XfX 6700XT Qick 319
32GB PNY XL8R 3200MHz 4x8Gb CL16, Samsung 980 Pro 2TB

Thank you all for your feedback/recommendations! 

I ended up installing Hitman 3...and...Assetto Corsa (I just love racing) 

Why Hitman 3 first? Well, I worked on the game in my other life, and just felt a bit nostalgic, Agent 47 is an icon in my book, plus it features new, real-life locations, as well as all the great gadgets that make the game so immersive. 

Next, Far Cry 6 (I couldn't find it on Steam - then realized it's available in the Ubi store - duh!), but it's definitely next. And I still have to play FC5! 

Guys, you forgot to answer my question about World of Warplanes! 


Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT

I recommend Red Dead Redemption 2 it's a very good game.

Mini Militia App Lock


   Sam I can totally relate, but also my son is now 24....  Seeing that I have already finished going through what your are currently experiencing, I  only have one tidbit of advice.  It is called 'me time'  everyone needs some without exception.  Otherwise you are going to split hairs whether you have hair or not.  So pick at least one day, and reserve some time just for you.  Make sure everyone is on board so you can hopefully have uninterrupted 'me time'.  Instead of those games go co - op with your son.  I can not express to you the joy of having your son as your partner in games as he is growing up and after.

  Enjoy Sam, and I personally feel gaming is always best with others.  But do not give up on solo games either!

Michael Alan Horton

@SubtleIQ Thank you! I agree and have already negotiated my "me time" with the wife. We've agreed I can play after my son goes to sleep, giving me about 2 hours per night (I rather play games than watch TV). 

I did not think about playing co-op games with my son, great idea! I can set up an old laptop complete with an external keyboard and mouse, and my old 24" Asus monitor. 

Last night I played Hitman 3. I'm playing the "Professional" mode. I just love the game, it's so immersive. 

If I have time, I'll play a little Assetto Corsa, the simulator over the weekend. 

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT

I normally get my "me time" after 9pm when my wife goes to bed. I'm pretty sure she is secretly 97 years old.

Except for Wednesdays and Saturdays when we do our streams. 

**Canadian Gamer & Father -** - Live Wed & Fri at 8:00pm PST - Come join!
Adept III

I've been staying away from triple A title games and trying my luck with indie developers with games such as Squad made by Offworld Industries and Operation Harah: Doorstop made by Drakelings Labs.

These are games made by gamers that use to mod my favorite games. I recommend checking out indie developers, it's surprising how well made many of their games are these days.


Not applicable

I would have suggested farcry6. i've a ryzen 5700G and radeon 5700XT it games rather amazingly well while being difficult and fiddly to set up at the same time. If anythings slightly wrong it will run terrible. AC valhalla feels like its miles faster and better graphically somehow its maybe not VULKAN by default or LESS vulkan somehow?

keep in mind all the ubisoft AMD titles are historically accurate though some things may be a bit more exaggerated or jokes of some sort. this south american reality simulation game called far cry 6 has all sorts of great jokes in there buried under almost entirely real world actual events and history. those missions you send the team on to collect resources on the board that takes hours and then can answer several questions like "distract the guards, A light a forest fire, B leave a car empty with handbrake off.. and so on. the ones where the guerilla people not know computers just shoved some USB hard drives at the telephone poles on the internet and logged their communications and their IT staff couldnt figure out how they were compromised so the military shut down their servers as a good one, so true. bribing pidgeon farmers to switch teams or using his courier pidgeons with USB sticks to win the war. all of those multiple choice missions are all actual things the guerilla fighters did IRL. its why its so cartoony and cheesy like cartoon villains.. and why assassins creed valhalla is so umm gritty and visceral like crime simulator?

i tried the hitman games briefly long time ago but i was most umm unimpressed at the 'no clue where to go or what to do, just get the job done with no clear objective.' like it shows some guy you gotta kill? but doesnt show where the heck they are or how to get to him or like label them as different from the other guys? do you just kill everyone on earth so you eventually get them? are cutscenes supposed to trigger? why are there so many security and defenses? was my 5 minutes of looking around i quit and uninstalled and played something far better.

if you enjoy car games theres some older ones nowadays which are quite affordable, maybe it was called GRIP you can find for under $2. rocket arena's free. Or dirt 5 is cheap nowadays but you really should run that with my config file and registry settings and configure the OS as when you reality simulate the game with better physics and super high supersampling and tessellation and octillions of resolution it becomes fantastically amazing. forza horizon 5 premium would be a very good choice or rent it on gamepass (maybe give free trial for a month a go?) but forza horizon 4 is quite the affordable title now that 5's out and its nearly as good. 

Im assuming you bought your AMD computer via AMD website or a authorized reseller listed on there.. else its 50 years obsolete intel nvidia fake trash. you see they've never made or invented a single thing, they snatch it up by force or wait decades till its cheaper then rename and relaunch it for many many times the price.. like the 60's and 70's ray tracing > better ray marching and better than that ray casting.. which was cheaply awesomely AMD tech available in the voodoo3dfx which they crushed but realised they cant sell or use it because it was chips and tech purchased by voodoo3dfx and not OWNED by them.

so intel and nvidia can like recycle old cheap AMD mobile phones from the 80's or 90's and sell as a new computer or whatever im guessing. AMD's military super computer tech stuff they make for IBM and cray super computing and everybody else and provide computers for toshiba and sony and stuff as they're a tech design firm and stuff. well intel and nvidia just wait 50 years for copyright to expire or look at ancient computers i mean like the history museum stuff and parade it around like its the best latest greatest. they used cheap calculators they were pretending to be computers for like close to 20 years now they swapped that out for RISC chips.. and in australia all the retailers sell fake intel/nvidia mediatek chips in the phones not true AMD tech snapdragons or RDNA 2 graphics chips.. you MUST buy via AMD website or samsung website or you're not going to have a computer or a phone, it will be mathematically TRILLIONS of TRILLIONS times worse wont even be CLOSE to a true super computer.

copy my config file into a recent snapdragon 835 or higher phone or a RDNA 2 phone you can run free android benchmark tools like geekbench 5 to see what chips inside it. your fake PC's maybe say AMD everywhere but they maybe took all the cores and expensive bits and RAM out of it.. probably even like the memory bus and bit depth.. steal more than half of it to sell pretend its a new phone or device or other brand.. then pretend they bought the AMD chips maybe. But then not configure or have a clue how to use a computer.

you would probably want to make the registry key entries i use as well on PC its up to you though.

I pressed F12 in steam or maybe mostly windows DVR winkey ALT and printscrn. sometimes possible radeon overlay ALT Z home screenshot click or ctrlshift+I but i fear that my umm display driver settings and resolution arent captured or shown or reproduced. perhaps a camera photograph OF my TV screen might work better? but that maybe wont show too as i use the same display driver enhancements and settings on my mobile phone. So.. i have no clue, but many of these images dont fit so i opened windows snipping tool then opened the PNG file then i saved as a jpg to get the size down smaller and more compressed. I wonder if the snipping tool made for showing and capturing AS IS works any better at keeping the quality levels i see on my screen. As often the saved images look like trash compared to in game. and using different screencapture methods steam vs windows vs AMD overlay look varying degrees of lousy terrible trash and not what was on screen. please give me some feedback if you see FOG and AIR moisture and density and air sort of volume making distant mountains blue from air like in sydney australias blue mountains. if you do not see effects like those or more ray tracing than you've ever seen.. then its not working and it should look far better. give me some feedback please.


Superheroes Suck 30_07_2022 11_23_09 PM.pngLustAcademy 30_07_2022 11_56_17 PM.pngMy Best Deal 1.9 31_07_2022 8_15_31 AM.pngC__Users_danie_Downloads_Lust-Academy-0.7.1f-pc_Lust-Academy-0.7.1f-pc 30_07_2022 11_54_03 PM.pngLustAcademy 30_07_2022 11_58_28 PM.png1475810_20220728115146_1.png1475810_20220728115444_1.png1475810_20220728121854_1.png1475810_20220728121352_1.png10246795063430479872_20220728222346_1.png10246795063430479872_20220728222849_1.png10246795063430479872_20220728222854_1.pngbaldurs gate 3.jpgBaldurs Gate 3 Skeleton at camp.jpgGenshin Impact 30_07_2022 2_40_00 PM.jpgGenshin Impact 30_07_2022 2_46_57 PM.jpgGenshin Impact 30_07_2022 2_44_05 PM.jpg20220727104114.png20220722160516.png20220728110914.png



Thank you very much for your post @Anonymous , your recommendation, and insights! 

I just finished playing Hitman 3. I do agree that the gameplay can be a bit tricky, and I know some folks have said, it's "more of the same". That said, I'm a huge fan of Agent 47, I've watched the movie too. (And had the pleasure to work on Hitman Contracts). Imho, Hitman is an icon...and one of the first "stealth" games ever launched. 

Last night, I purchased Far Cry 5 and definitely planning on playing FC6 next. Ubisoft Montreal Studio's talent and commitment to taking advantage of modern technologies it's impressive (environments, textures, rendering, hw optimization using our architecture, etc.).

About racing, I've been playing ACC (Assetto Corsa Competizione), it's a sim, and simply put, I'm hooked. From the realism to the numerous ways you can setup your car, to pit stops, not to mentioned the lighting effects, textures, sounds, oh...I can go on for days. Last night, before I downloaded FC5, I played the 24H race in SPA, which translated to a 4-hour race...yay!  


Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT
Adept I

I can offer you Diablo 2 Resurrected. I had no expectations for this game, but it turned out to be very good. I like its graphics. I think as a first game after a long break, it's a great option. I bought it at . Everyone I recommended it to really liked it.

Community Manager

If you jump into Red Dead Redemption 2, I'll join you, Sam. That's a game I've been meaning to play for years.

Community Manager

Hi Guys, 

So many games and little time to play them is what I'm planning to play, in order:

1) Finish Sniper Elite 5 Campaign Mode by the end of next week

2) Now that I remember, get my hands on Far Cry 6 (and play it till Nov 15)

3) On Nov 15, get COD

4) And yes! @Wally_AMD around X-mas, dive into RDR2! 

Your biggest fan!
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT