Hello everyone, I'm Husam from Palestine 22 years old, my dream is to build a gaming pc with parts I want to choose but the problem that I can't afford to buy all the parts, so please if there is any chance me getting some of the parts as a giveaway or for free I will be very thankful and grateful.
My dream gaming pc is
motherboard: B450m or better (X470)
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600x or Ryzen 7 2700x
Ram: DDR4 3200 MHz or better
Video card: Radeon RX 580 or gtx 1060 6Gb or better
Storage:500 Gb ssd and 2 Tb hdd
Power supply: 650 Watt 80+ bronze or better
Monitor: any full HD 75 Hz or better
It is around 1000$ which I can't afford, any of these parts I can get as a giveaway or for free it will help a lot for making my dream come true thank you very much.
why should anyone give anybody free stuff when they ask for?
do you have 100k followers on youtube?
I'm sorry I don't have 100k followers on youtube, but because I'm having health issues now so I can't have a job or even continue my studies, and I'm not asking to get completed build just anyone have old part which he's not using I think it's ok for charity and improving the community, or for new products so I can try them and give a feedback. Thanks Mr. Benman2785.
well, i am 33 and retiered due to illness - so i cant work either. yet i dont ask for stuff.
on facebook you will find some groups that will help with old(er) hardware - but you wont get new stuff - only from "normal" public giveaways where you have the same chance as anyone else.
i sold my old stuff last year - so i cant help you on this
I think he wanted to say that it would be possible for the community, and especially for those who have old iron (in evidence and record keeping), to send something a little outdated as small gifts. I can say that now to raise my salary from $ 300 to $ 600
I work for 147 hours. And I look like a zombie or a drug addict.
I like the enthusiasm of your goals to getting this PC, but unfortunately, things won't get handed so easily. Rather than asking for the parts, try to come up with a way to afford it. If you have your mind set on building one, I'm sure you can set your mind on how to get one. As for giveaways, all I can say is search for giveaways and sign up for the ones you qualify for. The rest of that is wishful thinking.
Good luck!
Thank you for your feelings Mr. Sonuchi, I'm always having positive feelings getting my pc built, I always see youtubers building amazing computers and me wishing that's me building it up, hopefully I will get recovered and start my journey, and again thanks a lot for supporting.
Haha, in the same situation .. I have sn about 300 dollars a month and 2-3 God only remain from them. In general, I am also jealous. I'm generally on intel core 2 and geforce 9500 \(-_-/
Sorry for my English..
Slowly you can easily upgrade it
In general, in relation to the fact that the ruble fell, then it is terrible .. We now have a current of 20-40% more expensive.
That would be amd arranged a rally or something else only for countries with troubled economies and that the sale was only by identification. (The funny fact is that 98% of the population of Russia are illegal, and according to the laws we should be deported in 2020)
I built my first PC back in the mid 90s to use in school where I learned engineering applications. First day at my internship, I was given a PC and told to take it apart and put it back together again. No problem! The point was that they wanted us to be comfortable with PCs and not to be intimidated by the hardware.
A few years ago my kids were ready to move from console gaming to a PC. I looked at the prebuilt systems, but wanted them to have the same experience that I had. We started simple with a couple Ryzen 3 2200g processors and plenty of RGB. What fun that was to build their first PC with them. Since then we've build 4 additional systems that have grown in complexity since then.
Both my boys are nearly ready to start their latest builds once we get the final piece for their builds...anyone got a couple of Radeon 6800XTs I could take off their hands? 😄
Dad and chief PC builder!