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Gaming Discussions

Journeyman III

Borderlands 2 is using my integrated gpu

Recently I've downloaded Borderlands 2 from Epic Games and when i launched the game i started having low fps so I checked it out with task manager and the game was using my Integrated gpu  (now i know game works with Directx 9) I was wondering if there's a way to fix the game so game starts using my dedicated GPU

My CPU with processors are : AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics and AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M330 Also My RAM is 8GB and Windows 10 x64 Bit (i also know game only works with 32 bit) 

By The way.. AMD Adrenalin 2020 doesnt has a switchable graphics configuration and also my computer shows that my Power Saving GPU And High Performance GPU are the same so its also a problem I'd be so happy if someone helps me ^^

3 Replies

There are Graphics Settings on the Windows settings for windows 10, you

just have to find your application, and tell it what GPU you want to use

for that game.

On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 10:07 AM owokillermochi <>

Cyberstorm64 of UNYU
Tessellation Enjoyer.
Big Boss

dont open 2 topics for same problem pls

use cyberstroms solution here or the one i posted in your other topic

PC: R7 2700X @PBO + RX 580 4G (1500MHz/2000MHz CL16) + 32G DDR4-3200CL14 + 144hz 1ms FS P + 75hz 1ms FS
Laptop: R5 2500U @30W + RX 560X (1400MHz/1500MHz) + 16G DDR4-2400CL16 + 120Hz 3ms FS
Big Boss

dont listen to Nitrodesign - he is just spamming.

custom startup? with what? bs!
vsync? not needed to run dGPU on Laptop!

PC: R7 2700X @PBO + RX 580 4G (1500MHz/2000MHz CL16) + 32G DDR4-3200CL14 + 144hz 1ms FS P + 75hz 1ms FS
Laptop: R5 2500U @30W + RX 560X (1400MHz/1500MHz) + 16G DDR4-2400CL16 + 120Hz 3ms FS