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Gaming Discussions


AMD Superfan VLAN - March 2nd


It has been a whole year since Ryzen began making waves in how the world defines high-performance computing and what better way to celebrate than to get together and game?!

Starting on March 2nd at 12pm CT/6pm GMT, we'll be on the AMD Twitch channel and the Red Team Discord playing all kinds of games for TWELVE hours! Ready your engines, because AMD Ryzen favorite, Robert Hallock, will be kicking off the event with some Rocket League!

Want to join in the gaming and maybe get some cool swag? There's only so much time for so many people. After reading the rules below, get yourself registered by replying to this thread and filling out this form, because the first 50 people will get some Red Team swag bags and the rest will get t-shirts!

Be sure to let us know what games you want to play & what Ryzen means to you in your replies below! If you’re not able to game, but want to hang out anyway, then hop on Twitch and Discord and join us in chat!

This will be a Bring Your Own Game event, so make sure your favorite multiplayer titles are up to date. Even if we're not playing it on stream, you can totally get groups together with the other Ryzen Superfans!

And, of course, there will be giveaways happening throughout the event! How does a WHOLE DESKTOP TOWER PC sound? Well, we have NINE to give, but alas, they're only available to residents in the US and Canada, minus Florida, New York, Puerto Rico, and Quebec. Please read the full rules for the giveaway to make for your best chances!

Important Links!

VLAN Rules

Giveaway Rules

AMD Twitch Channel

AMD Red Team Discord

Swag Info Form




Who's On
US Central Time (CT)Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
ROBERT HALLOCKNoon to 1pm6pm to 7pm
PHASZR1pm to 4pm7pm to 10pm
BEAR4pm to 6pm10pm to Midnight March 3
DERRICKGOTT0076pm to 8pmMidnight to 2am (March 3)
MOHOTASHI8pm to 10pm2am to 4am (March 3)
GIRLvsDUMB10pm to Midnight4am to 6am (March 3)



The first 50 people have been registered! As of this update, there are 7 people reminding me that I should include a line for "Forum Username" in those address forms next time, but I've reached out to them via PMs, so check them, please! We'll add to the list again soon as we get more cross-referencing done.

  1. eisegreis
  2. anubismarc
  3. bernie8001
  4. blazek
  5. ehvox
  6. b0rdin1989
  7. tcgmeta
  8. rengy
  9. warpfact0r10
  10. johnweland
  11. eazydozer
  12. rqs-devine
  13. feiling
  14. Zephiris
  15. terminalgain
  16. larrydarren
  17. am1sf1t
  18. terrybear
  19. derrickgott007
  20. jmackay
  21. torynduron
  22. neuromantis
  23. ozsiix
  24. gtagshuffle
  25. phuri
  26. peternixeus
  27. aiko
  28. benman2785
  29. narc71
  30. arcticwind
  31. faleene
  32. darkwolfca
  33. thumper
  34. jamesc359
  35. iihavetoes
  36. wuvein
  37. theo_yells
  38. carpe375
  39. zealotki11er
  40. mohotashi
  41. californicated
  42. ganstakingofsa
  43. kxuping
  44. whiskey-foxtrot
  45. madakish
  46. darkwolfca WOOPS - See below
  47. caerbannog
  48. kenyurigames

#49 and #50 never got back to me, so I'm moving forward as if they didn't complete registration in time. As such, the two who can expect swag bags are:

49 2.0: drg197

50 2.0: swaccelerated

WOOPS - darkwolfca made it in there twice because spreadsheets make me go cross-eyed. So, next on the list is mr.bunny HOORAY!

The following list of people completed registration before the cutoff and are getting tshirts! Now, in no particular order:

jtitatr1pw1r3mr.bunny (Swag Bag instead)antics05drmariokart

Now, I'm only human, so if you're totally 100% sure you both commented on this post and filled out the Google Form linked above before March 1st, 2018 at 2PM Central Time, then send me a private message with a link to your comment on this post and the email address or phone number you included in the Google Form so I can validate.



[EDIT 7/24/18 @ 1:48PM] Locking thread to avoid confusion with the 2nd Gen Ryzen VLAN on July 28th. - Erin

312 Replies

Nvm he came back just now 29133425_1871770809514097_8022552249509085184_o.jpg


very nice guys look forward to seeing them opened


Just received this about 20 minutes ago.



i Piffed my win to my buddy jimmy took some pictures for you all

jimmy.jpginside.jpgjimmy pc.jpgjimmy shake.jpg

Very nice,  looking forward to seeing benches and the like.


He already took it home or i would of ran some it was a tad messed up the cooler came off and thermal paste was all over the gpu and side window i made sure to test thermals and they looked good if i had some paste laying around i would of reapplied it


I took a bunch of pictures I just need to put them in an album. I also have a few issues I need to address. It needs a fresh OS install as I don't like that it came with someone from OriginPC's information. Some of the software isn't working correctly either.  Overall I am extremely happy with what was delivered. Sadly shipping appears to have been a bit rough on mine and the side window is all scratched up on the inside where the plastic bag with the expanding foam was rubbing. I'll need to inquire with Origin or perhaps Fractal Design as I think that's the case that was used about buying a replacement window. Maybe even a tempered glass if it's offered.


Sorry to hear about all of this.  I have finally unboxed mine but no testing done same as stoggy28​.  I will be putting up the video on youtube after I edit the shooting  of the unboxing.  Here is a teaser pic for now.


*reachs hands out * i wanted one

FX series Users Unite!!

FX 8320 Joining the FX Unification !

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 11:54 AM, rqs-devine <>

I love that case!

Congrats on the win!

spinalfailed​ I believe the Erica you are seeing is possible the promoter that put the prizes together.  My packing slip had her name on it, I bet you when I start mine up it will have a Erica profile as well.


Mine did as well, I just prefer fresh to my liking installs! Plus I have a brand new m.2 begging to go into something!


AMD Red Team T-Shirt arrived today! w00t!

Thanks to AMD for the VLAN and to all those who participated. Proud to be Red Team.AMDRedTeam.jpg


Adept II

I forgot to upload this in here ,,, my swag bag has arrived & I love it !!! Thank you ❤️ DYAqTfRWsAEziVq.jpg

Adept II

got my swag bag, i f-ing love this kinda stuff. i was so sad when i didnt get in on the list the first time, wasn't expecting to get it, so it was an extremely nice surprise to say the least. Thank you AMD!

Adept II

Got the Vlan Prize shipped in!  Can't wait to dig into the box.  Busy with school and work, will probably have to wait till the weekend to test it out and get gaming.  Thanks Again AMD and Norumu Super EXCITED!


I completely understand having to wait! Mines open and hooked up to a TV, for now, but unfortunately being the primary care giver to a 3 1/2 month old doesn't leave me much time or when I do have time I'm beat!  I finally get to use my FreeSync monitor again and I'm going to install my ADATA m.2 that's been kicking around here for at least 6 months!IMG_20180313_175738.jpg

Thanks to everyone at AMD and Origin for this prize.  If anyone is interested in a Unboxing video that I put up on my channel please visit TheTechBasement.  That link will take you directly to the video, also while there take a look at some other video of mine.  Please give feedback on what else you would like to see and what you like and dislike about my videos.  Thank you and enjoy.  Keep in mind I put this one together rather quickly.


Flying my Team Red shirt today!IMG_20180314_130013.jpg

That's not fair!  He got a shirt with all the writing and logos backwards!

It's not all it's cracked up to be! I have to carry a mirror everywhere so people can read it!  

Collectors item!  Some people have all the luck....

Hoping to fire up rig this weekend, have not been up to par the last few days and with studying for my mid term there has been little time for play.  I should be getting some benching done this weekend if everything cooperates with me.

Adept I

Thanks for the Vlan tshirt, my kid loved the carton box.



Today going to work with my AMD Red Team Vlan backpack. Wifey took the picture.

Thanks a lot for the swag bag.


I Finished a few Simple Benchmarks on the GPU and a stress test on the computer itself.  You can find the Video on Youtube at The Tech Basement

Adept I

I am down for some MechWarriorOnline sounds good

Glad to see this but wrong thread this was last VLAN

Adept II

Yay can't wait, gonna be fun as usual.


This is the wrong topic man!