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Gaming Discussions


AMD Superfan VLAN - March 2nd


It has been a whole year since Ryzen began making waves in how the world defines high-performance computing and what better way to celebrate than to get together and game?!

Starting on March 2nd at 12pm CT/6pm GMT, we'll be on the AMD Twitch​ channel and the Red Team Discord​ playing all kinds of games for TWELVE hours! Ready your engines, because AMD Ryzen favorite, Robert Hallock, will be kicking off the event with some Rocket League!

Want to join in the gaming and maybe get some cool swag? There's only so much time for so many people. After reading the rules below, get yourself registered by replying to this thread and filling out this form​, because the first 50 people will get some Red Team swag bags and the rest will get t-shirts!

Be sure to let us know what games you want to play & what Ryzen means to you in your replies below! If you’re not able to game, but want to hang out anyway, then hop on Twitch​ and Discord​ and join us in chat!

This will be a Bring Your Own Game event, so make sure your favorite multiplayer titles are up to date. Even if we're not playing it on stream, you can totally get groups together with the other Ryzen Superfans!

And, of course, there will be giveaways happening throughout the event! How does a WHOLE DESKTOP TOWER PC sound? Well, we have NINE to give, but alas, they're only available to residents in the US and Canada, minus Florida, New York, Puerto Rico, and Quebec. Please read the full rules for the giveaway to make for your best chances!

Important Links!

VLAN Rules​

Giveaway Rules​

AMD Twitch Channel​

AMD Red Team Discord​

Swag Info Form​




Who's On
US Central Time (CT)Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
ROBERT HALLOCKNoon to 1pm6pm to 7pm
PHASZR1pm to 4pm7pm to 10pm
BEAR4pm to 6pm10pm to Midnight March 3
DERRICKGOTT0076pm to 8pmMidnight to 2am (March 3)
MOHOTASHI8pm to 10pm2am to 4am (March 3)
GIRLvsDUMB10pm to Midnight4am to 6am (March 3)



The first 50 people have been registered! As of this update, there are 7 people reminding me that I should include a line for "Forum Username" in those address forms next time, but I've reached out to them via PMs, so check them, please! We'll add to the list again soon as we get more cross-referencing done.

  1. eisegreis
  2. anubismarc
  3. bernie8001
  4. blazek
  5. ehvox
  6. b0rdin1989
  7. tcgmeta
  8. rengy
  9. warpfact0r10
  10. johnweland
  11. eazydozer
  12. rqs-devine
  13. feiling
  14. Zephiris
  15. terminalgain
  16. larrydarren
  17. am1sf1t
  18. terrybear
  19. derrickgott007
  20. jmackay
  21. torynduron
  22. neuromantis
  23. ozsiix
  24. gtagshuffle
  25. phuri
  26. peternixeus
  27. aiko
  28. benman2785
  29. narc71
  30. arcticwind
  31. faleene
  32. darkwolfca
  33. thumper
  34. jamesc359
  35. iihavetoes
  36. wuvein
  37. theo_yells
  38. carpe375
  39. zealotki11er
  40. mohotashi
  41. californicated
  42. ganstakingofsa
  43. kxuping
  44. whiskey-foxtrot
  45. madakish
  46. darkwolfca WOOPS - See below
  47. caerbannog
  48. kenyurigames

#49 and #50 never got back to me, so I'm moving forward as if they didn't complete registration in time. As such, the two who can expect swag bags are:

49 2.0: drg197

50 2.0: swaccelerated

WOOPS - darkwolfca made it in there twice because spreadsheets make me go cross-eyed. So, next on the list is mr.bunny HOORAY!

The following list of people completed registration before the cutoff and are getting tshirts! Now, in no particular order:


jtitatr1pw1r3mr.bunny (Swag Bag instead)antics05drmariokart

Now, I'm only human, so if you're totally 100% sure you both commented on this post and filled out the Google Form linked above before March 1st, 2018 at 2PM Central Time, then send me a private message with a link to your comment on this post and the email address or phone number you included in the Google Form so I can validate.



[EDIT 7/24/18 @ 1:48PM] Locking thread to avoid confusion with the 2nd Gen Ryzen VLAN on July 28th. - Erin

312 Replies

If by some chance, after norumu​ notices that he put darkwolf on there twice, I'm next I voluntarily offer to let my swag bag go to you dripandrip​

Fixed the post!

Did you notice though that swaccelerated posted saying he couldn't make it? which should eliminate him from getting in the 50 shouldn't it.


He also posted that he'd be trying to make it home for the tail end of the event with the other valid registration steps.

Yea, I'm not sure if he was there though, you might verify that since rules and all.


Many of the swag bag recipients weren't there when they received their swag bags, because most of them were sent out before the event The swag bags are not part of the event giveaway, they were a fun little bonus to the first folks who registered! Same with the tshirts, just a little delight for our Red Team community

I guess that makes sense, just wasn't very clear before. I know I wasn't going to get one anyways which is sad. On a somewhat close note, I'm not upset about it but I know a lot of people were because normally the streamers aren't eligible, never were before for these giveaways so that looked really bad to all the people who don't regularly watch these  streams. You guys all did an amazing job as usual but that probably didn't help the AMD brand much.


Thanks for your feedback. I'm working on a proper survey for the event to collect everyone's thoughts and opinions for a more formalized feedback and improvement process to make the next events even better

Yea, I saw that you said that at the end of the vlan. I actually had asked somewhere in this thread about if the streamers were eligible because I saw their names on the first 50 list which I know is different than the other but I was curious then about it but didn't get an answer. It's not like you were busy trying to set up something huge or anything.


he showed before the end

He actually was the first streamer on swaccelerated​ durring the VLAN and was on again at the end.

I made a comment to address this ridiculousness from a fellow member and adult but apparently I was to harsh! Shrug       While I don't know swaccelerated​ personally I know him from the community and he is always active! Regardless In the last several years that I've taken part in the VLAN's I don't recall any rules saying you must participate for X hours to get the swag bag so the fact that he was called out no matter what the situation is ridiculous.  We're supposed to be a community of like minded individuals that are here because we love AMD. We should be happy when someone is lucky that AMD is being so generous.  Offer congratulations to them not try to drag them down!

I had so much fun in the VLAN. I got to talk with the community while I was hanging out at School and play games with them. I can't wait for the next VLAN so I can play with my 1st AMD GPU that arrived yesterday. Thank you AMD and Normu for setting up the VLAN and giving those PC's to us for a chance to win and Gratz to the winners as well

Adept I

Thank you guys so much for putting this VLan together! Most fun I've had in a while! I look forward to the next one!  


Best. Vlan. Ever! A PC AND one of those badass red shirts?!? Oh my!


lol i see that it happens  only got 1 bag


Thanks everyone, to clarify my attendance I was there for the first 3 hours and the last 2 hours.  I was in the AMD discord during those times and participated as much as I could during a work day.  I also marketed the event to our community through our SWAccelerated Facebook account and our Official Twitter account,  with that being done it raised awareness to the community with several game developers and outside game communities bringing a noticeable amount of new people into the AMD community.  Everyone is welcome to dispute what I did or how I did it, this feedback is necessary to make awesome things more awesome like the AMD Red Team. 

Thanks, Sincerely

Scott Wilson

Founder SWAccelerated Gaming

Nicely said


Way to put it out there, nicely said.  I also work and try to maintain my Facebook and YouTube channel, (TheTechBasement) shameless plug ,  It is not easy!  You even have more on your plate than I, my hat is off to you for making the VLAN as much as you did and bringing more people to it. 

Awesome thanks!  I like tech and basements I will be sure to check out your YouTube and Facebook.

Adept III

swaccelerated​ was there at the beginning of the Vlan and at the end. Probably would not of noticed because he is Mobius is discord.  He is usually there for the whole 12 hours but this time he wasn't there for the whole 12 hours. SWAG bag and the t-shirts  were a registration giveaway NOT an attendance prize. He has been part of this community longer then most of you here. The AMD community manager and the AMD mods know what they are doing. So let us just remember the awesome that marked the one year anniversary of Ryzen and leave the salt in the kitchen where it belongs.

Okay friends, let's relax about this topic. I've already had to moderate some personal attacks to different people, which isn't what being a team is all about. I don't want to lock this post, either.

Please be a bit more patient for my upcoming followup survey so you can give all of your input and feedback in a constructive manner. I really appreciate everyone's interest and passion for the Red Team, but let's remember, we're a team, and we're all here because we enjoy what it's all about

Adept II

Grats to all who got their bags. I am super jelly lol. I've drooled over all the photos of them so much I think I need a bib.


swag was streaming MWO during the vlan in the mwo room can vouch for that as well


swaccelerated is a huge part of this AMD community. To question any of their members' loyalty to this community is ridiculous. Bickering over who should have gotten what is also absolutely tasteless. Appreciate the people you are surrounded by and the community you are a part of not the material you gain from it.


Doing the happy dance, feeling the flow, working it, working it! I received notification that my #AMDSuperfanVLAN PC will be here tomorrow! Soooooo happy!

You know swaccelerated​ you just know him by Mobius lol. He and I are the one that got virgo4u​ started on Battlefield 4 for community nights back when she streamed for AMD on twitch. My name back then was Phurigigs

Awesome, enjoy!  Mine will be in Today after I get out of work. Don't go to my channel (TheTechBasement/youtube, twitter, and Facebook) if you want to be surprised with what it looks like.

Enjoy you Lucky Duck.


What's in the box?!?           IMG_20180312_133929.jpg

Sadly I missed my delivery I called to see if they can come back but might be tomorrow I had a note to redeliver after 2 but when I called says redelivery tomorrow


my salt is still real *cries in corner* need to shows us the whole thing man

stoggy28​ it's great when they listen to instructions, isn't it? (Note the sarcasm) I'm working on full pictures! I am trying to clean house, take care of a 3 1/2 month old, and then this arrived! I'm afraid if I start with the PC everything else will be forgotten! Haha


lol, you beat me to it..


I'm a disabled stay at home husband-wife! My wife and I basically have role reversal due to my back injury so I'm home 99% of the time.


I am officially accepting all donations of old parts i can use that the winners are replacing stuff with

I can forfit an AGP grafics card and an AMD Athlon xp 3200  w/mobo and ram if you pay for shipping..  lmbo


spinalfailed wrote:

What's in the box?!?



*cries in corner* maybe one day i'll have an awesome system