Oh man I have lived with input lag on my ryzen for 2 years. I had no clue why I had so much input lag in all of my games compared to my previous FX-6300 and Athlon II x4 640 builds. After 2 years of research I have some solutions that may help you.
Other Things that affect input lag:
For Process Lasso on Ryzen you set your game to the primary cores(Disable SMT). And on other apps I set them on secondary cores(odds). So it would look like Game 0,2,4,6,8,10 and other apps like chrome would be 1,3,5,7,9,11. Not only did this improve scheduling and responsiveness on older windows versions by 50% but increased FPS by around 50 as well.
"Whenever someone is suggesting a change to \Games they always say: "In the same Registry hive as the above tweak, you can also change the priority of Games. To implement this tweak, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile\Tasks\Games and change the following registry values:
“GPU Priority” change its values to 8 for gaming.
“Priority” set to 6 for gaming."
The utility was updated recently and now you can add priorities towards each device as well, however I just don't know which settings are the most beneficial yet.
"Here's the (ocasionally) updated pastebin version of all the tweaks i found that do something on AMD GPUs. AMD GPU Performance REG for 19.1.1+
I got banned from google+ for posting links to this as .reg files, which is ridiculous btw. It's ok, G+ is dead anyway.
(UPDATED 14/03/2019 for bugfixes. Should work now.)
I tested this with a RX 580 V1 MSI OCed to 1425core 2250mem 50% power limit and with disabling the 300mhz memory P0 state in overdriveNTool, great performance. I also added some DVRanalytics keys to disable in case you enabled AMD User Experience improvement program. Driver latest 19.3.2 tested on Windows 10 1809 October Update, AMD Ryzen 5 2600X, 16gb of RAM PC."
Theres also this other radeon reg file that you can try out as well.
If you have any other optimization tips don't be shy. I'm aware chill may reduce input lag but it just doesn't work with anti-lag so I haven't tried it yet.
How are you measuring lag?
RE: If you have any other optimization tips don't be shy. I'm aware chill may reduce input lag but it just doesn't work with anti-lag so I haven't tried it yet.
I am pretty certain that "Anti-Lag" is the same as Chill with Chill Min = Chill Max = 300.
Since you are interested in this topic maybe you could compare Chill versus Anti-Lag by making some measurements and comparing them. Since Anti-Lag is barely perceptable at ~ 60FPS anyhow perhaps it is not worth it though.
My measurement is performance in games. I mainly play competitive games and have a feel for any input lag. I am usually daimond or above in the games I play such as Overwatch, League of Legends, SFV, but I also play this racing game called Xenon racer. If the input lag is too strong I just cannot play racing or fighting games at all. I will try chill though, I've also heard good things about it.
I think the correct way to measure lag is to electronically measure time between keyboard press or mouse button press and change on screen.
I am sure you are a very good gamer but many people can be influenced by placebo pills or buttons and "think" something is better.
I might purchase some equipment to measure lag using Anti-Lag versus Chill, but it will not be any time soon.
It's a huge difference man. Like I literally cannot drive or fight without these changes, but I just tried Chill and it is really good, I'd say it's 10x better than anti-lag so I'll be updating my post.
I would be surprised if Chill is 10x better at reducing lag versus Anti-Lag. I think Anti-Lag is a single switch version of Radeon Chill fixed setting for Chill_Min and Chill_Max.
Hardware Unboxed looked at Radeon Anti-Lag:
Radeon Anti-Lag Tested, Can AMD Deliver Another Must-Have GPU Feature? - YouTube
I asked them to compare it to Chill with Chill_Min = Chill_Max = 300 but they have not responded.
Also see:
Input Lag - Identificarlo y reducirlo - YouTube
Lag for me has always been my hard drive taking naps in between fetching my data. SSD's came out. They are a thing now. M.2 also came out, its a better thing now.
Is there any official fix for this(windows update or driver etc...)? or still lagging? I'm near to buy ryzen 3600+580 for cs go and I dont wanna fight for it.
You have to rollback to an older windows 10 version. I recommend LTSB. But you have to turn off windows updates with O&OShutUp10