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EPYC Discussions

Journeyman III

EPYC Processor BIOS setting


Server is Dell Poweredge R7525(the server based EPYC Processors)

I have some questions.

Q1. There is a term "turbo boost" in bios settings. Are Intel turbo boost and epyc turbo boost the same concept?

Q2. Turbo boost can be set to enabled/disabled in bios setting. On the server installed linux, boost option can be set to enabled/disabled with commands.

ex> echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost : boost on
       echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost : boost off

I wonder if I need to do boot setting in bios setting only or should I do boost setting together in os?

(Whether boost setting is controlled by the kernel)

Please, reply my questions.

Thanks, best regard.

1 Reply
Not applicable

Hello ykim‌,

The BIOS setting your referring to is also called Core Performance Boost by AMD.  Enabling this allows your core to boost to higher clock frequencies when the right conditions are available.  AMD recommends using the BIOS option to enable this feature.