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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Windows 11 Hard freeze/Hard hang

Hello guys, I have been having a problem for a quite while that I can't solve at all. So I decided to get some help from you guys.

What happenes is that out of the blue, my PC starts to hard hang. That means my first monitor turns completely black and the second monitor gets stuck on the last view, similar to a BSOD. But the Audio is still running fine.

Anything I press does not work, even the caps lock won't react anymore. I have then forced to hard reset my computer. (force shutdown)

Recently, it is happening more often than it should. Back then (like 5 months ago) it only was once per week/month, now it is once per day.

Today, I have tried spamming my keyboard, doing shortcuts, and all of that. Eventually, my second monitor turned black as well and I started to see a mouse cursor. My screens reappeared with an error message from AMD saying the GPU Driver has timed out or something similar like that.

This was the first time the computer recovered from its hard freeze/hard hang without me needing to shut it down.

I am not sure if this is an issue with the driver or with my GPU, even updating the driver did not work.

GPU: RX 6600 XT

Any help would be amazing, thanks!




1 Reply
Volunteer Moderator

I have experienced a few random problems with the monitor going blank and the background activity (streaming music) keeps playing.  The computer is totally unresponsive to keyboard or mouse inputs and I have even turned the monitor off and on again with no luck.  Pressing the reset button or holding the power button for five seconds is the only thing I could do and of course the computer boots up fine.  I have an AMD 3700X CPU and a Sapphire 5700XT video card in this machine.  I suspect it’s an AMD driver issue and I have updated the video card driver a few times since it started happening.  I have not reviewed the Windows system logs to see if I can isolate the cause yet.  I’m flying home from a vacation in Europe today so it’s been several weeks since I’ve even been on my computer.  Overall, I suggest you check the Windows system logs and keep the AMD drivers up to date.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".