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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

uProf nlohmann::json crash

This might be a bug report:

I'm running some mpi c++ code on 2 ryzen epycs. The program seems to run without issues:

mpirun -np 64 /opt/AMDuProf_3.6-449/bin/AMDuProfCLI collect --config tbp --mpi --output-dir ~/uProfing11 myProgram
where myProgram was compiled with g++ -g. I see this
Profiling (data collection) completed.
Generated data files path: /student/ssm259/uProfing11/AMDuProf-CHM-TBP_MPI
But I get a vague crash when I try to get a report from this data:
AMDuProfCLI report -i /student/ssm259/uProfing11/AMDuProf-CHM-TBP_MPI
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'nlohmann::detail::type_error'
  what():  [json.exception.type_error.305] cannot use operator[] with a string argument with discarded
/opt/AMDuProf_3.6-449/bin/AMDuProfCLI: line 41: 698604 Aborted                 (core dumped) /opt/AMDuProf_3.6-449/bin/AMDuProfCLI-bin report -i /student/ssm259/uProfing11/AMDuProf-CHM-TBP_MPI

AFAIK none of the code I'm running uses nlohmann's json library.

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