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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Ubuntu 24.04 requires driver support from the 7000 series CPU GPU


R7 7700型

优班图 24.04

2 Solutions
Adept II

Ubuntu can sometimes have too old version of the graphics drivers packages (Mesa), so it is often helpful to add kisak-mesa package repository and update to the latest Mesa packages from there. For the CPU the Linux kernel included with Ubuntu should be new enough.

Free society requires Free software

View solution in original post

Ok, thanks, knowledgeable solved my troubles, thanks again!

and FXXk you, what do you mean that a free society needs free software? Are you saying that there is no free society in China, so there is no free software? You **bleep**, long live China! Long live freedom! Down with American capitalism!

View solution in original post

3 Replies
Adept II

Ubuntu can sometimes have too old version of the graphics drivers packages (Mesa), so it is often helpful to add kisak-mesa package repository and update to the latest Mesa packages from there. For the CPU the Linux kernel included with Ubuntu should be new enough.

Free society requires Free software

Ok, thanks, knowledgeable solved my troubles, thanks again!

and FXXk you, what do you mean that a free society needs free software? Are you saying that there is no free society in China, so there is no free software? You **bleep**, long live China! Long live freedom! Down with American capitalism!


Oh that is just my general signature for the forum, not meant specifically for you at all. And free there means free as in freedom.

Free society requires Free software