I'm using Lenovo laptop with R5M330 driver Suddenly my device started to crash and was showing blue screen error with the error code "thread stuck in device drive" .
I have tried installing from all the sources i.e windows update , Manufacturers website(Lenovo) , and AMD website itself (Auto detect and manually too ).
and also tries reinstalling the windows by formatting the hard drive and installing all the drivers needed. But still issue persists, i.e when ever I try to install AMD drive the device gets crashed if uninstalled it I cant enjoy the games .
pls help me out anyone
This might be isusue with ram. check if all memory is avivable. sometimes broken drivers can take 2gb of ram and leave u with cents avivable, i had this isusue, figured out that was isusue with windows 10 page alocation or some sh, i had to disable page alocation completely because that driver didnt worked and caused bsods. But this isusue is so unclear its hard to figure out, needs to check every driver it can be everything.
Thanks for the info mate , can you help me with the steps involving with disabling page allocation jokbon
First check how much driver alocated in task manager. aka hardware reserved memory. 60mb should be ok, but if it is 2gigabites some serious problem.
its 85.5 MB
85mb is okay, there might be isusue elsewhere
Might be a case that you didnt update all the drivers. like chipset etc. You shud try iobit driver downloader, if it doesnt help try manufacturers websites.
Stuck thread is driver software isusue or dead component. If other drivers doesnt help, it can only mean that u have dead component.
yup may be my AMD card is dead , thanks mate for helping me