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Drivers & Software

Rx 5700 possible fix

I still see people haveing problem with AMD I posting this again  since I test everything and it is working fine for me with 0 black screen for long time now. You need to remember that AMD gaming mode and freesync have lot of problem and that is not only for 5700 series . Check this videos and do every steps that will fix the problem . Keep it in mind that is thing will take time to work by just doing it it will not fix the problem you need to wait for couple days or week to fully fix the problem . Idk why, it is like that and we are dealing with AMD they make odd software these days. Also I change my mother board 2 days ago and that help me alot too also I changed from SSHD to SSD just for my windows I still doing gaming on SSHD. I am test other things to make sure I can find better solution for this problem but they F it up with every update lol 🤣😆

 Part 1

Part 2


8 Replies
Adept III

Its fake solution. True solution will be then amd make working drivers. As we all know amd never make good drivers. So amd=glitch

@deepforest  when it work for ppl is not fake. I agree with you on the AMD part that they need to fix the problem. The main issue is the gaming mode and freesync 


Ok in not fake but crutch. Amd drivers always have many problems its never be fixed. Much easy way go to nvidia.

@deepforest I like cheap stuff also I am not doing high end things so I just pay for the minimum gaming on 1080p 60fps 144hz monitor if I can get more fps better but I am good with 60. AMD make some come back on CPU line up hope they will fix thier video card line up . 


Ok. And why you buy 144hz monitor if play only at 60fps? 60hz monitors are much cheaper. And what video card u have? rx5700?



I bought 144hz because I play some games on 120 fps and 144 fps but I am not crazy about it if I can't play a game on 120 or 144 fps I am fine with it . I just trying my PC limit and that is fun thing to do itself. 


Ok. You have rx5700? Sorry for my previous strong post about "fake" Can you say? What the core in your possible fix, in two words? What can be cause or leads to fix black screens?



Yes I have rx 5700x

Software design that is not working well with the video cards . Not only 5700 have this issue 580 and some other cards have it . I am think that they add option on thier software  to make gaming better but it is not working right also I am not trusting windows 10 it is not good for gaming lot of extra BS that we do not need.  If you check the software after each black screen it said that AMD software failed or crashed . There is something to do with gaming mode . I do not want to play with it because I just fix my PC and I am playing games with no problems lol and I do not want to do all of this over and over again . both hard drive that I had  went to hell and I lost 1.5TB because of playing around with this settings in my opinion that was windows side issue not the AMD but keep going to safe mode deleteing and install things did that to my hard drives. 


About the fix . With this fix you put yourself out of gaming mode  the Major issue is that if you put it on the gaming mode you can't change it. the software lock on to it and it won't change it even you put it on standard you need to clean it off then put the new driver on standard otherwise you will get lot of problem. Also after doing this you need to give it time to fix it . It won't get fix over night and that is the moment I am think that windows is part of the problem.