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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

RaidXpert reboot and shutdown issue

Hello all,

I just opened an AMD support ticket but I thought I might get an answer here as well.

I am having an issue with the RaidXpert chipset driver install. Once the drivers are installed, my PC will no longer allow me to power off, restart, or hibernate properly. Windows will shut down (the rebooting or shutdown screen will go black) but my PC remains powered on requiring me to do a hard shutdown to get it to turn off. RaidXpert appears to be working without issue otherwise, and my disk drives are online without fault. Once I restore Windows to a point before the driver install operation returns to normal. Running AMDCleanupUtility does not correct the issue after installing the driver package, and so far the only way to fix the issue is using Windows Restore to go to a previous point. I did not have this issue when I first installed RaidXpert when the PC was built, but I can no longer get back to that working state.

When I hard shut down my PC my motherboard goes into failsafe mode resetting RAM speed to 2400mhz as if there was an overclock or hardware error, but I have confirmed there isn't one. The issue is purely caused by the RaidXpert chipset driver install.

Any help would be appreciated.

Troubleshooting performed:


-Restore windows (reboot/poweroff functionality restored)

-AMDCleanupUtility to clear all drivers

-Install latest chipset driver 18.10.0418


-Install latest amd-nvme-raid-chipset-driver_9.2.0.41

-Reboot (reboot fault begins)


-Restore windows (reboot/poweroff functionality restored)

-AMDCleanupUtility to clear all drivers

-Install latest amd-nvme-raid-chipset-driver_9.2.0.41

-Reboot (reboot fault begins)


-Restore windows (reboot/poweroff functionality restored)

-AMDCleanupUtility to clear all drivers

-Install RaidXpert drivers that I believe were used when system was built (Radeon-software-crimson-raidxpert-relive-17.30-09aug)

-Reboot (reboot fault begins)

System info:

Motherboard - ASUS ROG Crosshair VI Extreme bios v3008

CPU - Ryzen 7 1800x

GPU - Vega 64

PSU - Corsair AX860

RAM - 16GB G.Skill Flare X 3200mhz DDR4 running at 3200mhz and rated timings/power

OS - Windows 10 Pro 64bit v1803 (latest update)


Samsung 960 Pro M.2 500gb (boot drive)

2 x Samsung 850 EVO 500gb in RAID0

Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB

Thank you,

1 Solution

Ah, that type of configuration (OS Boot driver outside of array + Raid) was not supported and could explain your issues if you used the wrong drivers. Try using these Chipset/Raid drivers.


View solution in original post

90 Replies
Community Manager

I would stop using the AMDCleanuptool as that is more for display drivers than Chipset or Raid drivers.

Can you try using DDU to remove your display drivers and then clean installing Crimson 18.4.1? I say this as i had a similar issue with a similar system and the above suggestion resolved my issue.


Sorry for the delay. I've been chasing a bunch of issues that turns out weren't problems at all. I thought I actually had a ram failure causing this because I had a Q-code 33 on my motherboard. I was troubleshooting that until I figured out that enabling firmwareTPM causes a miscellaneous ram error code on the motherboard. Setting to discreteTPM puts it back to the normal 24 Q-code. I'll be having a chat with ASUS about that one.

So I tried cleaning with DDU, installing Adrenaline 18.4.1, then attempted RaidXpert install. It failed halfway through (which it always does if installing after the Adrenaline package). This was the info from the log report.

Packages for install

AMD RAIDXpert2 Utility

Final Status: Success

Version of Item:

Size: 200 Mbytes

Balanced Power Plan

Final Status: Success

Version of Item: 2.02.0000

Size: 1 Mbytes

AMD AHCI compatible SATA RAID Driver

Final Status: Fail

Version of Item:

Size: 1 Mbytes

So I reset CMOS, changed SATA mode from RAID to AHCI, and attempted reinstall of raidXpert again without doing anything else. This time install was a perfect success. So I guess it needs to be set to AHCI before installing the package if Adrenaline package has been installed.

Rebooting/powering off also began working again, but of course my RAID volume was now missing. So I set to RAID mode again. Powered on, checked the volume; all looked good. Rebooted and.... It started hanging again. Set it back to AHCI and rebooting was fixed again. So it appears the power down issue is tied to the installation of raidXpert with the RAID volume being active in Windows at the same time.

I have gone back to a restore point pre-RaidXpert install to have the RAID be active and power off/rebooting working correctly. Im starting to wonder if there might be an issue with the latest Windows update. Been reading about a lot of driver issues lately.  There's no power off problems when rebooting from bios or anytime pre-windows loading in. I need to try and see if still happens when powering off from safe mode.


Can you provide more information about what Raid configuration you are using? In addition, what hard drive is the OS installed on, is that outside of your array?


- Windows is on the the 960 Pro m.2 NVMe and is not part of any array. Only used for Windows and programs.

- The two 850 Evo's are in raid 0 and are used just for additional fast storage not worthy or too large for the m.2. Things that won't hurt if the raid ever fails.

- The SSHD is set up as a legacy drive and is used purely for a backup drive to certain files on the m.2 and RAID. I'm just using Windows to manage the backups. It's not set up as a hot spare or anything else.


Ah, that type of configuration (OS Boot driver outside of array + Raid) was not supported and could explain your issues if you used the wrong drivers. Try using these Chipset/Raid drivers.


Crap.. I originally read that one as SATA only for x370 or both for gen2/Threadripper. When I get home I'll be able tell exactly which one I picked but I'm pretty sure it's not that one.

You sir, are awesome.

I definitely didn't read this part:

This driver requires the operating system/boot device to be included in the RAID array. Users seeking a standalone NVMe boot device and a separate SATA RAID storage array should use the “SATA RAID Only” driver below.

and was using the driver instead of the It kept throwing a failed array #3 in every time for the NVMe drive every time I would boot into Windows so I should have paid more attention to that. Everything works properly now and the trouble installing with RAID mode enabled no longer exists, which now makes a lot more sense.  The weird thing is Radeon-Software-crimson-raidxpert-relive-17.30-09aug.exe was doing the same exact thing as the newer driver, and it worked flawlessly when I initially installed it back in October with the exact same setup. I don't think there was another package I could have been using at that time.

But anyways, apparently I was the problem all along.

Thanks for your help!

Really glad to hear that!

I have recently ventured into the world of Nvme Raid 0 & RaidXpert, so am still learning things myself. Just a short while ago this type of configuration was not supported, however in the last few weeks we added support and updated our RaidXpert drivers on the website, so it's not a surprise that you missed it as perhaps the drivers weren't even there last time you looked.

Please let me know if you have any further issues.


amdmatt​ i am running into a similar issue and can't figure out the fix for it.

My config: MSI MEG X399 Creation

NVME: 6x, 2 in RAID 1 for OS, 4 in RAID 10 for storage

SSD: 2 legacy SATA SSDs with no RAID configuration

I installed latest drivers and the SATA and NVMe RAID driver. When I try to shutdown or restart I am seeing the exact same issue as the OP - the power supply will not restart or shut down. Any help?


Are all drives set to Raid mode in the BIOS and are you using the latest official build of Windows?


Yes. All set on Raid and tried multiple versions of Windows 10 including

1809 and any latest Insider Build.


CAn you show me a screenshot of RaidXpert2? You need to use the latest Win 10 build, we don't validate insider builds.

I have had it on an official build before going to insider and same.



Those LEGACY drives should read as Volume drives if everything has been configured correctly.

Did you initialise those drives in the BIOS/RaidXpert2 prior to configuring your array?

The setup process is as follows:

RaidXpert2 BIOS > Initialise every single drive to prepare for Raid config.

Set up your various Raid array in RaidXpert2 BIOS.

Set up your JBOD drives as Volume drives in RaidXpert2 BIOS.

Save exit and install Windows.

From the RaidXpert2 documentation:



Ok. Fixed that. Reinstalled the drivers.

Rebooted the machine (had to press reset) to confirm that new drivers were loaded.

Same issue. Tried Windows restart. Turned off video output, stayed on in a "powered" state for 5 minutes and then the PSU shut down.  Any other ideas?



Try physically disconnecting the two volume drives from the motherboard with the system powered off and see if that fixes the issue.

If it does not, perhaps you installed the wrong set of Raid drives when installing Windows. The exact package/driver files you need are:


If you copied the files from this package (RCBottom, RCRaid and RCCfg) below and used those to install Windows, that could be causing the issue.



No change - removed Volumes and same behavior. I believe those are the same packages I used. The 711KB file during install and then the 461MB package after Windows completed install.

I will try to re-install Windows tomorrow one more time. To confirm, the 461MB package IS needed after Windows installs, correct?


Before you try anything else, can you try enabling CSM Mode in the BIOS, enabling UEFI and LEGACY OPROM option and see if that has any effect on your issue?


The MSI X399 Creation board has a very "locked down" BIOS and the CSM feature is not present in any of the settings.


Probably one of the worst BIOS out there. To enable RAID I had to change SATA to RAID and then OS config to Windows 10 mode. Not the most user friendly BIOS on the market.


Can you show me some screenshots of the BIOS options?

Every BIOS should have two Raid modes that have to be enabled, nVME Raid and Sata Raid. There will also be a CSM option in there somewhere.

Are you on the latest BIOS?

Yes. Latest BIOS from MSI. Here's a video from MSI on how RAID is configured: MSI® HOW-TO Setup X399 NVME M.2 RAID - YouTube

I am familiar with CSM as that was an option on my old X370 board but this BIOS has no record of that. It is really locked down and most of the AMD features are hidden. I even had to request a beta BIOS from them as latest release BIOS did not have an entry for enabling PBO.

When you enable RAID and save settings, there is a giant list of settings that are updated but none of them are visible in the UI.


I think the MSI BIOS equivalent option is called Windows 10 WHQL Support. Can you try disabling that and see what happens? Just curious if it has any effect on the issue. If the system fails to boot to Windows with it disabled, just re-enable it in the BIOS.


Well, tried that. That option does indeed seem to turn on CSM (shows in the save settings dialog) but that also turns off RAID as the RaidXpert menu disappears upon reboot .:)

Any further ideas?  


Okay, try a clean install of Windows and reload the Raid drivers. After Windows has installed, don't install the RaidXpert2 pacakge and just install the Chipset drivers and update Windows. See what happens.


Good news and bad news.

All Windows installs done were with version 1803 of Windows.

Installed Windows using the initial release of the drivers:

Locked up at the Windows will restart prompt during the install - the screen that has the 10 second timer. Reset the machine.

Completed install OK and everything worked well! Installed all drivers etc and reboot still worked.

Tried updating the driver to latest: (using the preinstall drivers). Restart broken.

Attempt of reinstall #2:

Using preinstall drivers: - choosing this version during the OS install.

Same lockup at restart timer.

Reboot not working with this driver either.

Attempt to #3: - choosing this version during the OS install.

Same lockup at restart timer.

Reboot works on this one.

At this point I chose not to install the Windows drivers, but I think it proves something is funky with the latest WHQL release.


I would start troubleshooting other devices and drivers on your system.

I would also use the latest Raid drivers and not install the RaidXpert2 package drivers after Windows loads, at least not until we have narrowed down the cause of the issue.

I cannot reproduce the issue on my systems with CSM disabled and enabled, here are the steps i followed.


Asus Zenith Extreme

Win 10


Asus Zenith Extreme

Win 10

1. Initialise all 5 hard drives in the BIOS.

2. Create Raid 0 array using 3x nVME drives.

3. Create 2x Volume arrays using 2x SSDs.

4. Start Windows 10 1803 install.

5. Load latest 9.2.070 Raid drivers (711kb).

6. Install Windows.

7. Update Windows, restart.

8 Load Chipset drivers, restart.

No issues restarting or shutting down.

Can you try reproducing using a similar RAID configuration as mine?

How do you recommend I use the latest drivers? Manually update them from my current version of to in Device Manager?


I've tried several different Raid configurations, they all work without issue.

You should not need to update any Raid drivers, just use the latest version from the website when installing Windows 9.20.070.


Assuming this one?



No, that's the RaidXpert2 package. You need to use the Raid driver linked above (711kb) when installing Windows and that's it, for now at least.


What if the OS is already installed with the .23 version. Any steps I can take without reinstalling OS?


I would try a clean Windows install using the latest Raid driver and instructions i provided to rule out any installation issues.

I assume you are doing a proper clean install of Windows using official installation media?




So, did a fresh install. Chose the .70 drivers (711kb file) during the install. Nothing more. Reboot broken. At this point all things point to a driver incompatibility issue.


Unfortuantely i have no similar reports from other users, so this looks like an isolated incident and it is certainly unrelated to the OPs post.

Perhaps it is specific to your Motherboard. At this point i would suggest contacting MSI directly so they can try to reproduce the issue themselves.


Here's a fun one for you... Did a Windows 2 Go stick and installed .70 drivers on it. I have 0 issues and restart, etc works perfect! Something to do with the Toshiba drive array and OS running from it. I intend to replace that with a different set of drives and will update here on how it works.

That's interesting and odd, but glad you found a solution. Hopefully it's smooth sailing from hereon in.


"Good news"! Replaced the Toshiba drives with the new MyDigitalSSD BPX Pro 480GB drives. No restart at all... So I definitely call this an issue with the AMD RAID firmware + driver + Windows 10 combination.