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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

PC crashing after restoring Windows 10

Less than a year ago, I built my PC. None of the parts came with a problem, so, after assembling, I installed the drivers from the AMD website (AMD Adrenalin), and I bought a Ryzen 5 4600G processor (with integrated video), and installed the chipset drivers for the motherboards. B550, also on the AMD website, and I bought an Asrock B550M Steel Legend motherboard. Everything worked normally, however, I recently restored Windows 10 (which I had installed myself before and worked normally) and, after that, the computer started to freeze at times. In short, as I had restored, I installed the same drivers mentioned previously again, in addition to using Windows Update to update Windows. So, I decided to download and play an FPS game, then out of nowhere the video and audio on the PC froze and nothing happened, not even the cursor moved, and after a while it was frozen, the blue Windows screen appeared saying "The computer has identified a problem..." (or something like that). This problem persisted and so I decided to perform another format, this time just downloading the drivers that Windows selected. So, after that, I downloaded Steam and started downloading another game, then I opened the browser to watch a video and then out of nowhere the cursor movement started to freeze (an indication that the PC was about to freeze) and It didn't happen again, the PC froze again. I took it to an electronics store yesterday (10/19/2023) for analysis and they told me that they carried out a stress test on the PC for 6 hours and did not identify any errors. I've formatted the computer several times and, even though at the moment (20/10/2023) it still hasn't given me a blue screen or frozen, as soon as I start downloading a game on Steam and using Discord simultaneously, for example, I already realize that It starts to freeze some things (remembering that this was one of the signs that the PC was going to freeze, since several times before giving a blue screen the courses would freeze and the audio too). In fact, just in case it's useful, when I hover the cursor over the browser's search box (Microsoft Edge), for example, the cursor should change from a little arrow (the "normal" state) to a bar, as happens in many browsers. . However, the arrow sometimes disappears, or flashes strangely, and images take longer to load on web pages or in some programs. I still haven't been able to identify the problem, so I don't know what to do to solve it. Has anyone had any issues with crashes or blue screens after restoring Windows? How can I find the problem that is causing this?

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