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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Path of exile (POE) crashing the whole PC

i have bought an 6600xt for a while and i haven't faced any problems whatsoever. But when i started playing path of exile again since the league started  3 months ago, i have been encoutering crashes frequently even my friends do, there is also a reddit post about this and what is common from all is we all have AMD gpu's. im writing this because the new path of exile expansion is coming soon and i hope we can find a fix or solution for this. from what i have tried is unlocking the vsync make it crash often.

the crash is very weird, the whole PC stops moving but you can still hear sounds from the game and discord and youtube, but discord doesn't detect my sound and you can't do anything like move the mouse or alt tab. The only solution is to shutdown the pc by holding the power button and its the same for my friends.

this is a reddit post about it.

i have ryzen 7 5800x. 6600XT. 32GB RAM. poe install in M.2 1TB

1 Reply
Journeyman III

Bumping this because I'm having the same issue on a 7900 XTX. It's very frustrating. The screen locks up for about 30 seconds. Eventually, the driver gets killed and restarted, closing the game with it, but I usually have to reboot my machine afterwards anyway because it breaks the sound and my multiple monitor setup. My PSU is more than sufficient, 850W, and temps are normal. From everything I can tell, it's an AMD driver issue. I'm using the DirectX 12 renderer (the DX11 and Vulkan renderers result in worse performance and sometimes significant graphical glitches).

This has been happening for months, and I've submitted crash reports via the driver's utility every time it's happened. It's at the point I'm about to sell this card and buy Nvidia instead, because Path of Exile is my primary game and I can't be having my system crash randomly while playing it.