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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

Ongoing Text Bug in Adrenalin Drivers

For every Adrenalin driver after 22.5.1, there has been a text typing bug that has yet to be resolved.  When typing in almost any text box, whether it be in a program or online, the cursor will jump back one space when a letter is typed, and then eventually jump back forward and display the character typed.  In some cases, a letter, or several letters, left of the cursor will disappear until the next letter is typed.  And occasionally, I see artifacts - in tabs in Excel, for example.  None of these issues exist in version 22.5.1, but do in every single version after it.  Here is a link showing the problem...

Example of Text Typing Issue 

And here is a link showing an ongoing discussion of the issue in Word.  None of the supposed fixes in this long thread resolve the problem...

Discussion of Issue in Word 

Since this occurs online at times, it is NOT a problem with Office, as many seem to believe.  It's a driver issue.  AMD, please quit ignoring this issue and fix it!!!

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