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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Issues with Windows 10 only showing 8/16gb.

Change the spot of this if this is in the wrong arena first time here so not sure where everything goes.

Ok so long story short i've got a AX370 k5 gaming Gigabyte Mobo. With 4 ram sticks all 4gb each by G.SKILL they are a DDR4 2400 set.  Now my bios keeps wanting to reset everything back to default it does after a few days, bios reverts back to first version and such including when i manual set my ram my system reads all 4 slots are being used, my pc boots and such just fine, ive doneall the basic stuff and tests and even changing out where they sit with each other, tested each on their own they all work fine, including the normal memory test and such. Now im not sure how to use the BIOS correctly with this Mobo, Is there any reason why my hardware is reversed at 8gb and my system only using 8 out of hte 16gb? because im not sure how to fix it nor do i know how to disable the HDMI if there is or on-board graphics option. because my bios doesnt really show its using on-board setup or its enable but in the manual says its suppose to show their, now i know the board has two bios systems, could it be that the first bios is bad or? i could really use some answers on it would really help me out.

80 Replies
Journeyman III

So, my pc booted with with 16gb of ram now, but then it froze? and now its showing half agian. Anybody got any ideas why?


Do you have the latest BIOS and AMD Chipset installed?

BIOS - F22B - 2/13/2018

AMD Chipset - 2/12/2018

This website offers some good troubleshooting advice on how to fix your RAM problem: SOLVED: Windows 10 Won't Use Full RAM -

I also added the Manual for your Motherboard that shows everything about your BIOS. !

This question belongs more in a Windows 10 Forum than here. I also would contact Gigabyte Support and ask them. Anyways, see if the above link suggestion is able to fix your problem.


well, i had updated my BIOS up to the latest update, but not my chipset, But my bios reset itself to F2, and didn't stay at F22b. I also use 4 Sticks of G.SKill 4gb per stick (16 gb total) only half shows, but when i mess with the bios setting manual works for a few days then it reset itself. I had got ahold of who makes the ram i have, and they said to me:

We do not have 4GB modules for AMD CPUs. The processors are designed for 8GB minimum.

Due to these finite details, we recommend users to follow the G.Skill RAM Configurator for perfect compatibility:

Could it be cause my motherboard only wants 8 sticks solid in each slot or? and would updating the chipset then Bios would that fix any issues i have? and how do i update my chipset? I've also done pretty much everything on there aswell. So. Im guessing either my ram really doesn't fully work with this Mobo, or its my bios. The ram Sticks are also have "intel" in their name, while i use AMD CPU My System is Ryzen 5 6 Core 1600, With an MSI 1050 TI GFX card, while using the AX370 K5 Gaming Mobo, I've also got 4 sticks of ram of G.Skill DDR4 Intel Z170/X99 Intel platform.


Get the exact model number from all four RAM memory modules or if it is a set get the Model number for the set. Go to Gigabyte Support for your Motherboard. Go to the part the shows all the downloads  for your Motherboard. There is a section about Memory/CPU compatibility. Click on that and see if you see your RAM Module model number listed. If it is not listed than it hasn't been tested to see if it is compatible. Sounds like you need 8 Gbytes RAM Modules to work and be compatible with your Ryzen CPU. Go to Gigabyte Support and open a ticket asking them if your 4 gbyte RAM Memory Modules are compatible with the motherboard and CPU. That is probably why G.Skill doesn't make 4 gbyte RAM Memory modules. But I don't see a reason why 4 gbyte RAM won't work with Ryzen CPUs. Maybe it will not be very fast or efficient but should work.

I went to G.Skill and Corsair. The least amount of RAM is 8 gbytes for Ryzen CPUs. Here is a list of compatible RAM for Ryzen CPUs from AMD Support. : . By the model numbers, they seem to be 8 gbytes or larger RAM modules.

Ignore the "intel" in the name. It just means it is compatible with Intel CPUs. If I were you I would borrow a 8 gbyte RAM module and install it and see if it reads correctly. If it does, then you probably found the answer to your post.


If you can update your BIOS to a fairly recent version, it may show the correct RAM installed. It is possible that with the 4 gbyte RAM installed it causes the latest BIOS to be  incompatible thus it reverts back to the earliest BIOS. Install one 8 gbyte RAM and try to Reflash the BIOS with that RAM installed. If it doesn't revert, it means the 4 gbyte RAM is incompatible with the latest BIOS.

Found out WHY your BIOS reverts back to F2. Your Motherboard has Dual BIOS. If the Main BIOS gets corrupted it then switches to the second BIOS as a backup so that you can repair the Main BIOS and still have a functioning Computer or according to the below post. The second BIOS will automatically repair your Main BIOS but with the original Motherboard BIOS. Your backup BIOS is the original BIOS that came with the Motherboard. Try reflashing your Main BIOS with the last BIOS that worked. Maybe the last BIOS before the latest BIOS. The last BIOS you flashed is either corrupted or not compatible with your Motherboard.

Here is the answer I found at Tom's Hardware website about another Motherboard with Dual BIOS:

Mr Kagouris  May 22, 2016, 11:07 AM

Your motherboard has dual BIOS, which means it has a spare BIOS chip it uses to fix the main BIOS if it becomes corrupted. Naturally, that second BIOS chip contains whatever BIOS version the board was manufactured with, so if your main BIOS was corrupted the board could have repaired it, and thus reverted it to an older version. A bit inconvenient but I'd say it's preferable to permanently corrupted BIOS


I've only got 4 gb sticks only. No soils 8 stick only. So could it just me I need solid 8 gb sticks I stead of 2 pairs of 4 gb per stick? Cause i got 4 sticks all 4 gb each i do.

So. And all the same set as Well


Also could I get it to work with 4 sticks of 4gb on each stick or? Cause i don't wanna have to spend more money on ram. And such u know? Would be a real bummer if I had to get two 8 gb sticks I mean. 16 gb still good. That's what i wanted but i guess try what u said and see if it works first right?cause the ram sticks i got aren't bad at all so lol


I don't know if Ryzen requires 8 gbyte sticks to work correctly or not. I imagine it should work with 4 gbytes (just guessing, though). Probably the reason why the memory is not showing the full amount is because the BIOS is outdated and needs the latest version to be able to see the full Memory installed.

Follow Plumboboy advice. He says you can use the 4 gbyte sticks. Just need to do a proper Update of your BIOS.


I'll try when i get home from work. Ill keep this posted on what happens ill try what you both said aswell


This is not a god sign. Yous hould consult an expert as son as possible. It could be due to a malware.


Clear your bios download & flash the newest chipset bios, with the ram you have on your main bios save it. When you load up get a fresh set of chipset drivers to match Gigabyte boards if you put a fresh bios patch on can be picky or revert back if you dont download the matching chipset drivers to help get the build to recognise utilize everything properly. Had it with an intel build on a Gigabyte board. Had 10 drivers over write my proper Bios chipset drivers. An idea is pause your 10 OS updates while your doing chipset bios drivers leave it for a few days & see if it saves if it does copy the bios for the 2ndary bios the Gigabyte board carries so if it drops again you dont loose your ram. Gigabyte Boards especically with bios flashes are tempermental. I have a preference to Gigabyte for Motherboard wise just little tricks you learn with them.

And the bios copy would be in qflash right?


Download the BIOS from your Gigabyte's Support for your Motherboard.


your 4 gig sticks still shud act the same as 8gig per stick no diffrence. Yeahs its gigabytes Q flash off memory havnt touched a Gigabyte board for a bit none of mine have gone down lately. IF your board supports 4 sticks of ram equalling 4x4 should give you 16 should be no issues with ram you are using. I suggest a bad flash on 2nd Bios holding it up reading properly. pull the Latest most stable bios flash with Chipset drivers will be the only way to eliminate your issue. I suggest tho turn off any windows updates, flash your bios its risky but worth a shot, have motherboard chipset drivers ready to go, load up Gigabyte drivers first then manually update the rest of your chipset drivers threw Device manager manually as I suspect you might have picked up a dud Microsoft update throwing stability & build out. Another idea might be reset your board to fresh change your cmos battery as could be a dud, can happen sometimes not letting the bios recognise the ram as the cmos battery so flat it resets the values on boot, got a stepsons build doing it but havnt replace the cmos battery yet. I got do the cmos then reflash it to suit as its not running stable but I going do once a hard drive turns up & get some time. Can be something so simple throwing it out. I wouldn't suspect ram if its worked previously.


cool hope it works just an idea as had intel builds do it in the past by update throwing out a bios in Gigabyte boards.


So... I did all that but my bios keeps resetting back to f2. On any version.  Of sure why now. And sorry for late reply been busy i have.


Ido you happen to know how to get a hold of xmp2.0 profile on my bios? Can't seem to find it nor can i find a good source


I needed to delete my previous comment. Don't know why I mentioned to call MSI when the Motherboard is Gigabyte. Sorry.

Open a Gigabyte Support ticket and see what they suggest

. I'll see about the XMP 2.0 profile in BIOS.


Downloaded your Manual for your Motherboard. Here is where you can add XMP Profiles in BIOS:

& Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.) (Note 2)Allows the BIOS to read the SPD data on XMP memory module(s) to enhance memory performance when enabled.  DisabledDisables this function. (Default)  Profile1Uses Profile 1 settings.  Profile2 (Note 2)Uses Profile 2 settings.

I attached a PDF copy of your Gigabyte Motherboard so you can see and understand how to configure your BIOS. Click on the PDF Attachment and it will automatically download the Manual to your computer to inspect.


if its gigabyte they have great support on these issues. Pay to dig out your motherboard specs & ask gigabyte about the issues. Does it carry a removable bios chip on the board itself like asrock boards do as if it does might be as easy as find a flashed updated chip to put in as replacement. Thinking could be fried bios or maybe & can happen dud ram.


Well. So far the bios is sticking to f4. But I think my ram is locked up behind an xmp2.0 profile from using cpudiz and such it shows their profile name. And my bios doesn't have that im thinking my board is bossy really at this point


RMA it sounds like maybe faulty as if its not switching to the 2nd bios with ram its suspect Board issue. If you got a m8s desktop to test you ram in maybe an idea test you ram in another build if its registering properly RMA your boards. Sometimes in the machining where the ram sticks pop in can be faulty shorting the boards bios. Gigabytes fault is any short will revert the board to  2nd bios not allowing to get into the main bios bricking to a point. Had a frustrating experience before. Talk to Gigabyte or try 1 of my ideas to eliminate as much as possible before going RMA warranty route. Could be a bent pin on you APU causing that issues to can happen seen it before on intel & AMD builds not letting the ram recognise all channels.


Well. I did put a support ticket in to gigabyte I did. Gonna see what they're saying I feel like my board is missing some options or something. Ill keep trying ideas and such till i find ny answer i will. Im see if i can get this issue fixed lol


Cool hope Gigabyte have some answers or ideas tho if you been having troubles they usually prety good on RMA warranties they usually prety ok to deal with considering I heard a few diffrent stories of them over the years.


Saying that I primarly use Gigabyte as first choice with asus a close 2nd behind. I wont touch Asrock as had bad experience with them & wouldn't touch MSI as all I have had been plagued with issues & know many having issues they were really hit of miss why now I stay away. Tho Gigabyte are a great brand good to deal with my past experiences so hopefully they help keep us posted tho if your struggling try my ideas I have suggested to try & eliminate issues.


Ok, so i found another issue still waiting on gigabye to get back to me aswell.. My bandwith is only limited to 2133 for some reason, according to CPUZID, and the system checker via gigabyte's App center aswell. even tho the the "ram" says its 2400 speed, my system is setting itself at default 2133 everytime even when its all set in the bios, and such, its like my mother really doesnt like this ram what so ever. Im half tempted just to get the G.Skill Flare X set that the board works with, starting to think its my ram now at this point... perfectly good ram, and its being limited on its bandwith and such, side note, my bios has been staying at version F4. At this point im not sure anymore, idk if i should keep trying to update my bios one version at a time, or just get another ram set, and see if that fixes anything.


Could be the issue tho be nice if you board would accept a new bios update without the need of new ram. Still I would try bios update without the hassle & $ of needing to go new ram route tho higher speed ram will net better benefits tho its the risk you take & how far your will & how much your willing to throw at it.


well, my issue is the ram speed in CPUZID shows at 2132, the ram i bought says its a 2400 speed, bios/window shows all ram is working, and is accounted for but the speed is stuck at 2132 for some reason for bandwidth speed. Now my bios is at F4, should i just try to upgrade to next bios one by one? cause i had tried 1 shot from F2 to F22 which made it reset back to F2 currnetly it sits at F4 and has been for like 4-5 days now, but my ram speed is so weird and its stuck at 2132 evne tho its running speed of 2400 and shows it but CPUZID shows another number which is odd, now im not sure if its cause im missing XMP profile 2.0 for it not ot work correctly or my ram really isn't a set of 2400 like its suppose to be lol i might try updating my bios one by one next week after i let my system run on F4 bios for a little longer.


Sounds like a good plan. Luckily your motherboard has a backup BIOS that kicks in the moment it senses a Corrupt or incorrect BIOS update.

Updating the BIOS is probably the key as to why you memory is not showing correctly at the moment. Updating One by One will at least let you know what BIOS version is compatible with your memory and components before the backup BIOS kicks in.

I does seem like the problem is with your RAM memory not being fully compatible with the Motherboard or CPU. But wait until you update the BIOS to the highest revision before it goes back to F2 and see if the memory is displaying correctly before purchasing another set of expensive DDR4 RAM.


Could be a set those shady set of ram that had been sold a while ago I was told about. If your going to go the new ram route go for some higher frequency sets you might find a new set of ram, rated for your motherboard & for AMD builds your bios might stay stable enough to hold the latest bios & register your ram sticks properly. Even an Idea if you got any m8s with Intel builds sell them your sticks & with the bit of $ you recoup spend it on a better set of ram to suit your motherboard & APU. CPUZID is prety accurate I trust the values it posts so if its saying your sticks arnt true invest in a set of ram recommended by Gigabyte to suit your build & APU where your going to net the best benefit of the higher bandwidth which I assume your after.


the ram set im using is off new egg, and if it is a "certain" bios i need to run with

G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 2400 (PC4 19200) Intel Z170 Platform / Intel X99 Platform Desktop Memory Model F4-2400C15D-8GVR < This set is what i use.


Might pay to go look for a better set of ram to run with your build I might suggest they probly will work ok with the ,atching bios but if your running into troubles & were thinking of a new ram kit I would try some new ram suited to your APU motherboard that may be a bit more compatible. AMD are picky on ram check with Gigiabyte with release notes on your bios what Ram is compatible with your build but if possible try find a bit better kit that may be better for a future plan & sell the kit your have to some1 with an Intel build that's mobo isnt so picky.


I suggest get a faster set of ram with more bandwitdth that if in doubt can pull back the frequency so you got a good buffer zone. Might have picked up an odd set or dud set of ram who knows.


My buddy says it might just be my board that ive got a bad board, but my problem is that the bandwidth doesnt show correctly the otehr set of ram i was gonna buy once i get paid is gonna be a set thats more towards AMD setup which was the

G.SKILL FORTIS Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 2400 (PC4 19200) AMD X370 / B350 / A320 Memory (Desktop Memory) Model F4-2400C15D-16GFT was gonna try this set since it was on their list that works with it, G.Skill said that the board didn't take this ram that ive got. So im really at a lost here.


These are the compatible G-Skill RAM Memory for Ryzen CPU at 2400 memory speed:

G.SKILL 8GB 2Rx8 F4-2400C15Q-32GRR DS Micron 15-15-15-35 1.2v v v v v 2133

G.SKILL 8GB 2Rx8 F4-2400C15Q2-64GRK DS 15-15-15-35 1.2v v v v v 2133

G.SKILL 16GB 2Rx8 F4-2400C15Q2-128GRK DS 15-15-15-35 1.2v v v v v 2133

G.SKILL 16GB 2Rx8 F4-2400C14Q2-128GRK DS 14-14-14-34 1.2v v v v v 2133

That is why G-Skill said the RAM memory you chose is not compatible with your Motherboard.

Model F4-2400C15D-16GFT

I have attached a PDF from Gigabyte Support with all the compatible RAM Memory Modules for your motherboard using Ryzen CPU. Take a look at the list and see if you can find inexpensive RAM set from the various Manufacturers on the list.

By the way, When using a Ryzen 5 1600 CPU, you need at least BIOS version F2 installed. I guess the original BIOS version was F1.


So, its my ram then? Cause my bios version is F4 currently atm, So it really was the ram huh?


It is a good possibility. I am just showing you the G-Skill RAM modules that are supposed to have been tested by Gigabyte to work with a Ryzen CPU and Gigabyte Motherboard. That Memory Compatibility PDF shows you all the Memory Modules that were tested to be totally compatible using a Ryzen CPU and your Motherboard. Memory not listed just means that it wasn't tested by Gigabyte to see if it works or not. Your best bet is to purchase the RAM modules on the PDF I posted to install with your Ryzen 5 - 1600 CPU.

That is why I suggested you borrow a RAM (8 gbyte stick) from someone else that is on the list and install it. If it shows the memory correctly and you are able to flash the BIOS to the latest version. Then you know that it was your RAM not being compatible with your CPU or motherboard.

I don't want to be responsible in making you purchase an expensive RAM set and then finding out you still have the same problem. That decision is up to you to decide. I would wait until Gigabyte Support responds to your Ticket concerning the matter and then decide what you want to do.

Sorry, but I don't want to make the decision for you. I just try to give you as much information so that you can make an intelligent decision on your own.

Whatever you decide, let us know. It will be good to know for the future if something similar pops up here at the Forums.


Im do the upgrade one by one till i find the correct version for this ram, if i don't im buying a corsair set, ive never had an issue with that set before anyways so I'll keep this update, cause this will help people for later on who have the same issue, gonna update bios slowly before spending money i will 


Corsair is excellent. They have, as far as I know, a lifetime warranty. I bought a set (4x 4gbyte -ddr3) from my computer. after four years of my computer being on 24/7 only one RAM Module went bad. Corsair was going to replace it but they required the entire set to be turned in. I refused because I couldn't be without my computer for at least 2-3 weeks as the new Corsair Memory set arrived. So, I just purchased the identical Memory module but as a single RAM Module. Haven't had anymore problems.

Good idea. Try updating the BIOS one update at a time until it fails. Then you know which BIOS is good for your Memory and Motherboard. It is possible you have a bad Motherboard. See what Gigabyte Support suggests if they reply or you are able have a Live Chat with them.


So..its at latest bios, with latest chipset. And its still not wanting to set it correctly. I'll show some screen shots of what im on about aswell to make it easier

I also flashed the bios. But all of the ram is showing now, but im still having half reserved alot are saying its a bios issue but my bios is up to date, been flashed and everything is reading correctly. so not sure if windows also prevents something for my GFX card has an option that prevents me using all 16 aswell on it.

Download to it is below This is the CPUZ SPD check and such. download it below this one, (shows all 4 sticks are there and shows 8/16 Aka 7.95 u can see in the second SS that its 8.1 reserved it is. So not sure if its the ram OR. Some how i have memory reserved on something and it doesn't show correctly? either way still morally confused. but reguardless of what bios version it is, the ram doesn't fully show even tho in the bios, the ram is still set at 2400 speed. hasn't changed either yet. and my GFX card is also what i'll show below aswell i will

MSI GeForce GTX 1050 Ti DirectX 12 GTX 1050 Ti GAMING X 4G 4GB 128-Bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready ATX Video Card Reposted the pictures aswell in attachments just incase.  Not sure if you will click the links or not so lol.