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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Is AMD Adrenaline more accurate than HWiNFO at GPU temps?

I recently bought the new AMD RX 7900 XT (reference card)  and it worked completely fine until I wanted to check the card's temperature just out of curiosity. When I enabled the overlay in the AMD Adrenaline software the "GPU temperature" was fine sitting at 55-60 degrees C and the "Junction Temperature" was sitting at 70-73 degrees C both while gaming, which I've heard are completely normal temps. But the problem is when I checked HWiNFO the degrees were sometimes exactly like what AMD Adrenaline was reporting but sometimes it was completely different temps. The "GPU Temperature" in HWiNFO was the exact same as in the Adrenaline software which was 55 degrees C, but the "GPU Memory Junction Temperature" (Which I assume is the same as AMD Adrenaline's "Junction Temperature") was at 80 degrees C while Adrenaline was reporting 70 degrees C which is strange.
Is the AMD Adrenaline software the best at monitoring the "Junction Temperature" and the "GPU Temperature" or is HWiNFO more accurate?
If there is any other info needed let me know I'll provide it happily. Thanks to anyone taking the time to answer.
2 Replies
Journeyman III

I know it has been nearly 6 months but did you ever get an answer? I have the same question but my junction temp on HWINFO 64 is nearly 20c higher than AMD Adrenaline. I do not have any issues with my card though gameplay wise or normal use.

Hi, @roro582 , @13barash.

First and foremost so sorry you did not received an answer earlier.

Now talking about the difference of the temperature you saw:

  • Usually the developer monitor is better, because the developer has completely the access to the low level driver and hardware.
  • Instead third party software are less accurate, but HWInfo still a good software, because the developer try to make it more precisely as possible.

Any way I think you both are confused about the temperature you saw.

Usually a monitor of a GPU for example could has this kind of temperature for the core:

  • GPU core temperature (temperature of the core, usually the edge of the core, we could say).
    GPU hotspot temperature (temperature of the hottest part of the core, center we could say).
  • GPU T junction temperature (temperature which a GPU do not have to reach).

"T junction max is the maximum thermal junction temperature that a processor will allow prior to using internal thermal control mechanisms to reduce power and limit temperature. Activation of the processor's thermal control system may cause performance loss as the processor typically reduces frequency and power to prevent overheating. The maximum junction temperature limit varies per product and usually is between 100°C-105°C."

So the T Junction is the max temperature that you want always never reach, due to avoid performance loss and life reduction of the CPU or GPU.
Usually we do not have an exact life duration time, but an average could be 5 years.

Anyway do not focus to much on it or you will be crazy, you have to start to thing about it when do you see performance loss, artifacts, shutdown of the PC, or blue screen.

I hope you had an answer with my reply, if you have any doubt do not hesitate to ask me.

Kind regards,
