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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

I lost sound after i installed 7900xt

Hello! so 2 days ago i installed my 7900xt and when i turned on the pc, some realtek notifications started to appear saying that my devices were disconnected and this happened after the gpu got the driver updated. After that the realtek manager dissapeared and i already tried with ddu to use old drivers of the gpu, installing the motherboard audio driver (which its just the realtek universal driver) and checked if in bios is sound enabled and i still couldnt fixed it. I was tired of trying so i decided to do a fresh install of windows and not even that fixed it. My headphones are connected always on the rear part (mic and headphone) also tried with front panel but still the same. Hope someone can help me

3 Replies

That is strange, but heres two basic things you can try right away.


Remove the GPU, go back to what you had. If you changed something on BIOS, I would clear CMOS as well. Install the drivers and check if its now working.


If not, considering that 7900XT is quite big but, basically every card is, inspect the onboard audio of your motherboard. You could've hit accidentally while installing the new card. Hope not.


Good luck 

The Englishman

Hello, i cant change the gpu cause i sold it already. I checked the bios and everything is good and what do you mean by the onboard audio of the mother? if u are referring to the hd audio cable i unplugged it and plugged it back and nothing happens


Go to Windows Control Panel and check that the correct Audio device is set as default. 
